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[ADDON] Tabbed smiley Started by emanuele · · Read 63385 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #15

Quote from: emanuele – Ops... sorry, that slipped through... :-[

In Elk you can put the smiley in the editor or in a popup. The popup can have lines of smiley.
This addon takes any line of smiley in the popup and converts it to a "tab", so you move the smiley to the popup and then to multiple lines and here you go with as many tabs as you want!

I guess my problem is I don't know what makes a line of smilies a line.  I have 3 tabs right now.  Base, Tab 1 and Tab 2.  How do I start a new line?  I've tried selecting a smilie and clicking the various arrows that appear to be on their own separate line, but doing so doesn't put the selected smilie in a new tab.  It just moves the smilie to the bottom of the existing tab.

I thought I created tab 2 with a drag-and-drop to the bottom of tab 1, but I haven't been able to reproduce whatever I did the first time.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #16

It is working with drag and drop, you don't need to use the arrows you can see there.

The smiley for a new tab has to be in the editor first.

Than you "fetch him with the mouse and pull him down to a new line in the smiley-pop-up-window". (I don't know how to say this in English) O:-)

There is always a warning-popup, that it did not work, but it is working. If I close this warnig-popup, the smiley will be there in his line and a new tab is created.

Edit: Maybe you or me are using the wrong version of this addon? I downloaded and installed this one yesterday:

But here in this topic it is
Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 12:34:43 am by Ruth

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #17

I added this in tabbedSmiley.css and now the "More-Button" has disappeared:

Code: [Select]
.sceditor-more {
    display: none;

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #18

Where can I find this, to give the tabs other names? Is it possible?

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #19

Ruth, I've installed tabbed smilies 1.1.  Thanks for pointing that out!  I'll try the one you installed.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #20

Quote from: Ruth – Where can I find this, to give the tabs other names? Is it possible?
Argh... I forgot to update the package in the first post of the topic...
Go to:
click on the "clone or download" on the right and select "download zip". Use this package. ;)
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #21

I have installed it now, but it seems to me the same as I used yesterday, emanuele, the same files.

I can't do this... :'(  there is nothing in the admin panel like this:

QuoteIt's also possible to define a custom name for each tab and change the css style directly in the admin panel, section "set smiley order

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #22

Likely the old (in the sense before being ported to Elk) description.
In the current level, the text can be changed via language file (TabbedSmiley.english.php) with the string:
Code: [Select]
$txt['tabbedSmiley_tabs'] = 'Tab {%d}';
where {%d} represents the number (i.e. Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3, etc.).
I know it's limited, but for now it's better than nothing.
With some time I'll add back the full customization.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #23

I don't understand this, sorry emanuele. O:-)

How can I change it? It is just one string for all the tabs, they will only have different numbers, not different names?

Can I add something like this with html in the tabbedSmiley.integration.php? One for each tab?

Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 07:18:49 pm by Ruth

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #24

And, it works!  The previous install was apparently missing a .js file or the file didn't install for some reason.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #25

Quote from: emanuele – Likely the old (in the sense before being ported to Elk) description.
In the current level, the text can be changed via language file (TabbedSmiley.english.php) with the string:
Code: [Select]
$txt['tabbedSmiley_tabs'] = 'Tab {%d}';
where {%d} represents the number (i.e. Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3, etc.).
I know it's limited, but for now it's better than nothing.
With some time I'll add back the full customization.
I was just saying to Oblivion that you could actually rename the tabs with CSS tweaks. Hide the default text in the tabs with text-indent, and use nth-child and a :before pseudo to put whatever visible names you want in each tab. Not that you'd use that method for a revamped version of the mod, but it would enable people to have custom names on their tabs with this version.

Just sayin' and all.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #26

Are you addressing me, Antechinus? ;D 

I have tried something like this in CSS, but I cannot figure it out. O:-)  I know nothing about coding.

I would be very glad, if someone can show or explain me this css-trick

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #27

Should be easy enough, although I haven't tested this yet. I'd start by changing the language file to this:

Code: [Select]
$txt['tabbedSmiley_tabs'] = ' ';

That's just to give it some content that won't be visible, which is easier than what I was thinking before.

Anyway, the important part is assigning a :before pseudo element in the CSS and putting text there. Something like this should work:

Code: [Select]
sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(2):before {
    content: "Any text you want";
sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(3):before {
    content: "Another tab title";
sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(4):before {
    content: "My penguin likes chocolate cake";
sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(5):before {
    content: "There is chewing gum stuck to my seat";

Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #28

Quote from: Antechinus – I was just saying to Oblivion that you could actually rename the tabs with CSS tweaks. Hide the default text in the tabs with text-indent, and use nth-child and a :before pseudo to put whatever visible names you want in each tab. Not that you'd use that method for a revamped version of the mod, but it would enable people to have custom names on their tabs with this version.
Provided you don't need more than one language it would of course work. :)
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #29

Thank you very much, Antechinus.

I have tried that one (and several other things, which did not work):

Code: [Select]
$txt['tabbedSmiley_tabs'] = ' ';

Code: [Select]
sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(2):before { content: "Any text you want";}

You will only see the &nbsp in all tabs.

With this one, it is working nearly...but the &nbsp is also there...

Code: [Select]
.sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(2):before {content: "Mehr";}