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[ADDON] Tabbed smiley Started by emanuele · · Read 63031 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #30


It is working with this one:

Code: [Select]
$txt['tabbedSmiley_tabs'] = '';

Code: [Select]
.sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(2):before {content: "Mehr";}
.sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(3):before {content: "Typen";}
.sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(4):before {content: "Lustig";}
.sceditor-emot-head-tabs>li:nth-child(5):before {content: "Traurig";}

Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 10:00:03 am by Ruth

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #31

Quote from: emanuele – Provided you don't need more than one language it would of course work. :)

Emanuele, I did not change the english language file, it is still as before.

I made a  TabbedSmiley.german.php for the changing

And there are no errors in the log. ;D

You made my day, Antechinus! Thank you!

This will be enough for the moment.

Emanuele, are you sure, that you will complete this addon one day? It is a lot of work, to sort all our smileys into tabs. If you don't finish the work on this addon, I will sort them now that way.

But if you will finish it, I will wait until the addon is complete. O:-)
Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 10:17:48 am by Ruth

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #32

Quote from: Ruth –
Quote from: emanuele – Provided you don't need more than one language it would of course work. :)

Emanuele, I did not change the english language file, it is still as before.

I made a  TabbedSmiley.german.php for the changing
You have the test in the css, so you have an empty string in the German file.
My comments means that if some any of your members is using another language (e.g. English) he will see the tabs in German anyway.
I guess it was mostly the same in the original mod as well, but it's such a long time ago I don't remember. LOL

Quote from: Ruth – Emanuele, are you sure, that you will complete this addon one day? It is a lot of work, to sort all our smileys into tabs. If you don't finish the work on this addon, I will sort them now that way.

But if you will finish it, I will wait until the addon is complete. O:-)
Who knows.
It all depends on the various priorities.
Anyway, it's not that the way smiley are put into tabs will change in the future, so sorting them now or later will not change anything.
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #33

It is always difficult for me to understand proper, what I am reading here...sorry, Emanuele. O:-)

I know the words (well, most of them) ;)  but very often I don't understand the context of meaning.

The complete addon would be very comfortable to use, because you can also sort the smileys on the side "change smileys" by the checkboxes and the dropdown, which would show all the tabs, which are existing.

If I sort them now into the tabs, I have to take each single smiley by "drag and drop", to bring him into his tab. It will take much more time that way. (We have got a lot of smileys)

But it is fine for me, to do it that way... I just wanted to know, if maybe the addon would be finished some day... ;)

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #34

My hoster deleted the database of my testforum yesterday, :(  where I had tested this addon.

I don't want to upload a lot of smileys again, just for testing. I would like to install the addon now in my real forum.

But I need to know this first... please tell me, Emanuele:

The number of tabs is not limited? O:-)  Can I be sure with this?

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #35

I offered this few days back if you need it.
Quote from: ahrasis – Hi.

I am offering a free own private (home) hosting (ubuntu + ispconfig) for those who wish to test ElkArte.

I have been using this own private hosting for more than 2 years now.

This is definitely not the best hosting because I am using a dynamic ip but it is useful for those who have the above need (or for reasonable others).

You only need to point your domain or subdomain to and

I can't give you the ip because it is changing from time to time but you can check on your own.

And if you don't have one (domain or subdomain), I can supply you with one.

You may reply here and I will pm you with the login details to access its ISPConfig 3 control panel.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #36

Quote from: Ruth – The number of tabs is not limited? O:-)  Can I be sure with this?
As long as you can add new lines of smiley there will be tabs.
TBH I don't remember the limit of the database (I'd guess at least 128), but I don't know either how would look many tabs.

Once upon a time I think I wrote a script to import bunches of smiley from a text fiel or maybe directly from the file names... I should search it or rewrite it.
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #37

Thank you very much, Ahrasis...this is a great offer from you. :)  I read it here a few days ago. It is very kind of you, but I think , I will not need it. Yesterday my hoster prepared a new database for me and installed me a new ElkArte, so I have a testforum again. I have still all files on my pc, but a lot of tests, code-snippets, tests with color-combinations, etc. I had written there, have gone. :(

Emanuele, thank you very much.

We had about 50 O:-)  Smiley-Tabs, while we were using SMF.  The "Buttons" for the tabs, which took to much space in the first line in the editor, were automatically "jumping" into a new line. Maybe it will be the same now? I will try this addon today... ;)

 It was looking like this with SMF:

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #38

 :D I can't believe it. This is absolutly fantastic!

The smileys were still "sorted in lines" in the smiley-popup after the migration. So I tried to left them there and installed the addon. O:-)  I need not to sort them all again, they are now in each tab to which they belong. (Normally it takes me a few weeks of work to sort them all). I am so glad! :)

 I just add a  margin-bottom: 2px; in tabbed.smiley.css to have a little space between the rows of tabs.

Emanuele , I will kiss your hands and feet for this addon! ;) (I don't know, if you can say so in English). It is really great! :)

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #39

That's luck for you! :P
Glad it worked so smooth. :)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #40

Okay I have to ask this, but I installed this and I don't see any options about adding a tab or anything. All I see are the default settings for adding sets and smileys.

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #42

I needed a version that would work with ElkArte 1.1, so here it is for anyone else in need.  I made a PR to the official repo as well.  Note this version will only work with 1.1

As with the 1.0 version,  you need to use CSS to provide custom names your tabs, otherwise you will get the default Tab 1 ... Tab X.  See the css file for details, simply each defined smiley row in the popup window can be given a tab name.
Last Edit: March 05, 2023, 10:23:12 am by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] Tabbed smiley

Reply #43

I've made another update to fix a performance issue.

The previous version waited for the editor to trigger a signalReady event to build the tabs.  For some reason there is a long delay on that happening.  The delay is not unique to Elk 1.1, which does use a newer version of the editor, as I noticed a similar delay on Elk 1.0, just not as long and annoying.

The updated version instead adds a DOM element watch, and as soon as the editor creates the needed smiley div, this runs and the tabs are created.  So really as soon as you see the editor window the tabs are created, vs the previous 5ish second delay.