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ElkArte Mail Not Working Started by D.M. · · Read 22016 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte Mail Not Working

Greetings community !

After having several difficulties in setting up SendGrid SMTP, just to note that their mail system does not support HTML codes provided by ElkArte and it makes the emails look horrible...

On @Steeley 's suggestion I reverted back to the default PHP mail system and deleted the SendGrid DNS edits, but unfortunately now the emails do not go through, there is nothing in the Error Log which could help me elaborate on the subject the emails after being sent from the email queue just simply vanish into oblivion.

Any suggestions would be great at this point! Thanks in advance !

Update: I found an error log related to email on my hosting provider and this is what it states:

TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256 CV=yes: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: 550-5.7.1 [] Messages with multiple addresses in From: header are\n550-5.7.1 not accepted. For more information, go to\n550-5.7.1 and review\n550 5.7.1 RFC 5322 specifications. 2adb3069b0e04-52ef0799968si250273e87.367 - gsmtp

Been looking for a way to check out the $headers = 'From: , but cant find it anywhere and It shouldn't even be giving this error since theres only one address as the webmaster mail ?
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 12:01:58 pm by Denis M.

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #1

OK Denis..

1 -Have you created an smtp email account on your host's email server?

2- Have you created an account-identity in your own email client to use that account, (Outlook, MS Mail, Pegasus Mail,, Spark, Canary Mail, whatever.. NOT your host's webmail software), and sent and received email using it through that account to verify the account is in fact accessible, credentialed and functioning properly?

If yes, to both questions now we can proceed to make ElkArte do the same thing your email client is doing.. If you haven't done both of those yet, then do that, make sure you can establish a functioning configuration before asking ElkArte to use it.

Edit: regarding the error message you just posted "Messages with multiple addresses in From: header are\n550-5.7.1 not accepted"
It looks like whatever is trying to use that account to send mail (ElkArte?) is not configured properly.. I suspect you have some latent configuration stuff for Sendgrid still present (maybe in the Hosts email account set up??), but it also may be that you have your ElkArte Sender information set up to include your subdomain (which is being misinterpreted as a separate From address perhaps(?), or the name of your forum as a Sender has a comma or some other typo in it making it appear you have multiple senders.  But first, as I noted above, do #1 and #2 above so we know for sure where the real problem actually is.

Edit#2: In the templates thread, you wrote: my hosting providers email service ... block all emails that are like a ''newsletter'' with the same email being sent to multiple email adresses, that's the only restriction. Oh my, that may be  a deal killer if you are going to be allowing users to get email copies of posts. Depends on what your host means by "same email being sent to multiple email addresses"

@Spuds - Question - Does EA send individual messages to individual users, or create a "broadcast list" and upload the list to the email server and the message for the server to distribute to the list?

@Denis M.  - Find out if the host email blocks "broadcast lists", or if it's based on message count (you have, say ,100 members, and EA sends out 100 individual messages, as opposed to one message and a list of email addy's for the server to send it to..)

Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 12:46:49 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #2

Quote from: Steeley – OK Denis..

1 -Have you created an smtp email account on your host's email server?

2- Have you created an account-identity in your own email client to use that account, (Outlook, MS Mail, Pegasus Mail,, Spark, Canary Mail, whatever.. NOT your host's webmail software), and sent and received email using it through that account to verify the account is in fact accessible, credentialed and functioning properly?

If yes, to both questions now we can proceed to make ElkArte do the same thing your email client is doing.. If you haven't done both of those yet, then do that, make sure you can establish a functioning configuration before asking ElkArte to use it.

Edit: regarding the error message you just posted "Messages with multiple addresses in From: header are\n550-5.7.1 not accepted"
It looks like whatever is trying to use that account to send mail (ElkArte?) is not configured properly.. I suspect you have some latent configuration stuff for Sendgrid still present (maybe in the Hosts email account set up??), but it also may be that you have your ElkArte Sender information set up to include your subdomain (which is being misinterpreted as a separate From address perhaps(?), or the name of your forum as a Sender has a comma or some other typo in it making it appear you have multiple senders.  But first, as I noted above, do #1 and #2 above so we know for sure where the real problem actually is.

Greetings Steeley !

I am just using the PHP Default option in ElkArte Mail Settings, keep in mind that the email goes through the mail server but gets rejected by Google Gmail on my test email address recipient with the reason:
 host []
    SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    550-5.7.1 [] Messages with multiple addresses in From:
    header are
    550-5.7.1 not accepted. For more information, go to
    550-5.7.1 and review
    550 5.7.1 RFC 5322 specifications. 2adb3069b0e04-52ef0799968si250273e87.367 - gsmtp

and this is how the email subject and from address looks like:

Subject   Welcome to <ForumName>
From   "ForumName" <> Return-Path: <> Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:51:06 -0000 X-Mailer: ELK Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative,
Date   Today 17:51

could it be that it doesnt allow the FORUM NAME in the From field ? how could I edit that ? I cant find the Mail.php settings for ElkArte, think it should be there somewhere if I am right ?

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #3

Quote from: Denis M. – could it be that it doesnt allow the FORUM NAME in the From field ? how could I edit that ? I cant find the Mail.php settings for ElkArte, think it should be there somewhere if I am right ?

While I go open up my own admin configuration pages and remind myself of the settings, do the steps #1 and 2 in my earlier message (humor me), AND..... find out what exactly your host allows and doesn't allow regarding email.

You may decide your current host either has to change policy or make an exception for you or will not work for you at all, OR,  there really is no mail issue at all, and this "blocking of newsletters" is just a misunderstanding of technical processing.

But first, doing the steps above may expose the configuration problem to you - no point trying to debug ElkArte configuration if that's not where the problem is..
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 12:57:06 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #4

Quote from: Steeley –
Quote from: Denis M. – could it be that it doesnt allow the FORUM NAME in the From field ? how could I edit that ? I cant find the Mail.php settings for ElkArte, think it should be there somewhere if I am right ?

While I go open up my own admin configuration pages and remind myself of the settings, do the steps #1 and 2 in my earlier message (humor me), and find out what exactly your host allows and doesn't allow regarding email. Doing the steps above may expose the configuration problem to you - no point trying to debug ElkArte configuration if that's not where the problem is..

I have an account on my Hosting Webmail and I'm using the RoundCube mail application supplied by my hosting provider through the cpanel, I can sucessfully send and receive email on that email through that application , which application would you advise to use ? Though the problem isn't the email application since the receiving address (GMAIL) doesn't accept multiple From addresses and the email always shows the ''Forum Name'' in the from section?

EDIT: just to add and elaborate the email goes from ElkArte, through my Mail application but gets declined and returned by Gmail

EDIT: I noticed the From section has a return path code including once more the sender address ? Could this be the problem ?

EDIT: I just tried sending an email from one webhosts address to the other webhosts address and it sent it sucessfully through the ElkArte system but look at this I may have found the issue, the email does arrive with 3 FROM addresses,

This is the From field I recieved:, 18 Jul 2024 17:05:01 -0000 X-Mailer: ELK Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative,

Altogether it counts 3 from addresses ? what is going on ? There's ELK Mime Version text counted as a sender and a weird looking encrypted email counted as another one as well

Which mail application do you suggest for sending mail though ? Maybe I could try setting that up as well?
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 01:15:46 pm by Denis M.

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #5

Quote from: Denis M. –
Quote from: Steeley –
While I go open up my own admin configuration pages and remind myself of the settings, do the steps #1 and 2 in my earlier message (humor me), and find out what exactly your host allows and doesn't allow regarding email. Doing the steps above may expose the configuration problem to you - no point trying to debug ElkArte configuration if that's not where the problem is..

I have an account on my Hosting Webmail and I'm using the RoundCube mail application supplied by my hosting provider through the cpanel, I can sucessfully send and receive email on that email through that application , which application would you advise to use ? Though the problem isn't the email application since the receiving address (GMAIL) doesn't accept multiple From addresses and the email always shows the ''Forum Name'' in the from section?

EDIT: just to add and elaborate the email goes from ElkArte, through my Mail application but gets declined and returned by Gmail

My reason for not using the hosts webmail application (roundcube) but a different client is because YOU have to configure the client credentials for accessing the account to send and receive. Roundcube as your host's email client is already configured by your host.
If you can configure an email client successfully then you now know what ElkArte has to mimic. And you'll be able to see more readily what is different between your client and ElkArte if EA still isn't working.. 

One last thing.. we already know Google is getting really stringent with email configurations and client security, so instead of using gmail as a test recipient, use an account on a different domain to test through (your own personal email addy, or set up a hotmail account  or yahoo account..), or send email to something like this, -->   for feedback,  just to make sure google isn't ..well, being google.
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 01:22:09 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #6

Quote from: Steeley –
Quote from: Denis M. –

I have an account on my Hosting Webmail and I'm using the RoundCube mail application supplied by my hosting provider through the cpanel, I can sucessfully send and receive email on that email through that application , which application would you advise to use ? Though the problem isn't the email application since the receiving address (GMAIL) doesn't accept multiple From addresses and the email always shows the ''Forum Name'' in the from section?

EDIT: just to add and elaborate the email goes from ElkArte, through my Mail application but gets declined and returned by Gmail

My reason for not using the hosts webmail application (roundcube) but a different client is because YOU have to configure the client credentials for accessing the account to send and receive. Roundcube as your host's email client is already configured by your host.
If you can configure an email client successfully then you now know what ElkArte has to mimic. And you'll be able to see more readily what is different between your client and ElkArte if EA still isn't working.. 

One last thing.. we already know Google is getting really stringent with email configurations and client security, so instead of using gmail as a test recipient, use an account on a different domain to test through (your own personal email addy, or set up a hotmail account  or yahoo account..), or send email to something like this, -->   for feedback,  just to make sure google isn't ..well, being google.

Right, well ElkArte is working since the email gets sent through, but the problem is it sends the email with 3 comma separated information lines for the ''from'' address and that gets registered by Google as 3 from addresses, well not using Google as the recipient surely doesn't help since 99% of internet users use it as their mailbox, I can setup an email client it's not a problem but I do not see how this would change the way ElkArte sends the mail with 3 from recipients  :huh:

EDIT: Btw just to note I edited the reply above with a couple of more tests, not sure if you saw it, the mail went through from one hosting inbox to the other but with 3 from address lines separated by commas '',''

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #7

Quote from: Denis M. – This is the From field I recieved:

][/email], 18 Jul 2024 17:05:01 -0000 X-Mailer: ELK Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative,

Yep - 3 "from" addresses

Something is not delimiting "" and each following "comma" is interpreted as a separate from address..

Meanwhile, make sure, in Admin  Mode, Admin Center -> Maintenance -> Mail -> Settings


That should be it all you need..

(Note also that you can configure an email queue on that screen to meter how many emails are sent per minute so you don't overload your hosts email server]

Also Note, the server and username settings in that screen should match the settings in the client you set up and proved works, (assuming, of course, you have actually set up your own email client to try this and are not just using the hosts preconfigured webmail client.)
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 01:52:02 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #8

Quote from: Steeley –
Quote from: Denis M. – This is the From field I recieved:

][/email], 18 Jul 2024 17:05:01 -0000 X-Mailer: ELK Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative,

Yep - 3 "from" addresses

Something is not delimiting "" and each following "comma" is interpreted as a separate from address..

Meanwhile, make sure, in Admin  Mode, Admin Center -> Maintenance -> Mail -> Settings

[attach width=300 align=left]10748[/attach]

That should be it all you need..

(Note also that you can configure an email queue on that screen to meter how many emails are sent per minute so you don't overload your hosts email server]

Also Note, the server and username settings in that screen should match the settings in the client you set up and proved works, (assuming, of course, you have actually set up your own email client to try this and are not just using the hosts preconfigured webmail client.)

But @Steeley look here, I have setup another email client but the problem is not the mail client , its the ElkArte ''From: name'' ?


EDIT: Just to add for elaboration, the problem wasnt ElkArte it was the PHP default mail system, was kinda obvious it wouldn't work since all email providers require SMTP nowadays
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 02:45:15 pm by Denis M.

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #9

Oh my GAWD  :cheesy:

I have finally set it up, needed to choose SMTP and run it through with the hosting providers information! Thank you very much @Steeley !!! Couldn't be possible without your troubleshooting :D

The mail arrived accordingly into the GMAIL mailbox and everything went smooth !!

BUT  :sad:  although the links do look a lot better now and are working perfectly ! There's still a [Link] prefix before them  :cry:

Check it out:

EDIT: Further investigation tells me that the problem is that {activationlink} and other formats are using [Link] format while HTML only accepts <a> tags for links , does anyone have any information on how to edit the PHP formatting and handling for {activationlink} and others that are used inside of the email templates ?

EDIT: Checked ''Load.php'' and ''Subs.php'' only thing I could find mail or registration related are:

'{register_url}' => $scripturl . '?action=register',
'{activate_url}' => $scripturl . '?action=register;sa=activate',

No sign of any {ACTIVATIONLINK} function :X
Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 03:30:39 pm by Denis M.

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #10

Looks like I missed all the fun  :cool: 

Quote from: Steeley – Question - Does EA send individual messages to individual users, or create a "broadcast list" and upload the list to the email server and the message for the server to distribute to the list?
It just does them one at a time to individual users
Quote from: Denis M. – could it be that it doesnt allow the FORUM NAME in the From field ?
That "FORUM NAME" is the common name that shows up in your email client, without that it would show the raw email address.

Using the PHP option in the mail settings uses PHP's mail() function which just delivers it to the servers sendmail  which is generally not fully functional on a shared host.

Quote from: D.M. – There's still a [Link] prefix before them
Why is that a problem ??  its a plain text message (NOT HTML) with an indicator that there is a link to follow.  Your email client creates the clickable link, or not, depends on the client, most do, some don't, some try and break the links.

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #11

Quote from: D.M. – Oh my GAWD  :cheesy:

I have finally set it up, needed to choose SMTP and run it through with the hosting providers information! Thank you very much @Steeley !!! Couldn't be possible without your troubleshooting :D

The mail arrived accordingly into the GMAIL mailbox and everything went smooth !!

OTay - I found my host's email worked fine with the default php setup (with some tweaks that have been rolled into subsequent releases)
You fixed your issue.. now, you're really gonna kick yourself by the time you get to the bottom of this reply.. so "gird yer loins" !  :tongue:

Quote from: D.M. –
BUT  :sad:  although the links do look a lot better now and are working perfectly ! There's still a [Link] prefix before them  :cry:

That is not an issue - if that gets turned into a clickable link, that is done by the recipient's email client. When EA sends it out, it's just text. The [Link] just clues the recipient that it IS an html link they have to copy and paste into their browser  if their client DOESN'T make it clickable..  After the 3rd time you see it, you no longer read it (or maybe not even actually "see it" any more) you just know it's there and what it means or marks.. .
(I never read the STOP sign, I see it and I automatically know what it is, and all it means to me is that it marks the location I have to stop - unless it's 3 AM then it's merely advisory..  :laugh:   )..

Quote from: Spuds –
QuoteQuote from: Steeley – 9 hours agoQuestion - Does EA send individual messages to individual users, or create a "broadcast list" and upload the list to the email server and the message for the server to distribute to the list?
It just does them one at a time to individual users

Because of that, and EA's ability to meter the number of emails sent per minute as I pointed out on the admin page screen shot, there is NO REASON for your host to block EA emails (unless there is a limit on the total number of emails sent per month, per week, whatever..) The mail server doesn't know if the same message is sent in 10 separate emails to 10 separate addresses, or each of those 10 recipients gets a unique message.

And so, there never was a reason to deal with sendgrid ... at all.  :cry:

Now if your forum traffic gets to the point where you start annoying your host, that is typically a good problem to have, and at that point monetize your forum and get a different host!

But don't feel too bad, I was trying to use another forum package before elkarte that I spent 6 months setting up only to discover after it was all configured so I could run a critical function I needed integrating with a different platform, (that only it handled natively) that the function had a bug that rendered that function useless, and that the developers had no inclination to fix. 
Everything I'd done up to that point setting up so I could test that out, and then troubleshooting the problem and isolating it to the package and not something I'd done wrong, all of it was a complete total waste of my time. I switched to ElkArte and had it up, configured, and running in less than two weeks and then found a work-around for interfacing with the platform that drove my selection of the first package..

(And then in accordance with the universal law of infinite perversity, the platform I was trying to coordinate with that drove the need for that forum package I'd spent 6 months setting up, went and shut down several months later, making everything about that requirement totally irrelevant even if I had managed to make it work).

Now, if that makes you feel any better at all.. yea, "it could be worse".. 

Glad it's working now..

Lesson: Burn the bridges when you get to 'em.. otherwise you may discover you burned them too hastily and all you did was waste precious fuel and a damn good match.

Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 10:47:05 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #12

Quote from: Spuds – Looks like I missed all the fun  :cool: 

Quote from: Steeley – Question - Does EA send individual messages to individual users, or create a "broadcast list" and upload the list to the email server and the message for the server to distribute to the list?
It just does them one at a time to individual users
Quote from: Denis M. – could it be that it doesnt allow the FORUM NAME in the From field ?
That "FORUM NAME" is the common name that shows up in your email client, without that it would show the raw email address.

Using the PHP option in the mail settings uses PHP's mail() function which just delivers it to the servers sendmail  which is generally not fully functional on a shared host.

Quote from: D.M. – There's still a [Link] prefix before them
Why is that a problem ??  its a plain text message (NOT HTML) with an indicator that there is a link to follow.  Your email client creates the clickable link, or not, depends on the client, most do, some don't, some try and break the links.

Well it's working fine now tbh, the links are working as well so I think I may just stop tinkering, the emails also now arrive with the correct from address it was a problem with PHP / SendGrid :cheesy:
Though it's not a problem honestly, just being somewhat a perfectionist, it tends to be a tough job doing anything, it all has to be perfect  :cheesy:  :nerd:  :laugh:

Quote from: Steeley –
Quote from: D.M. – Oh my GAWD  :cheesy:

I have finally set it up, needed to choose SMTP and run it through with the hosting providers information! Thank you very much @Steeley !!! Couldn't be possible without your troubleshooting :D

The mail arrived accordingly into the GMAIL mailbox and everything went smooth !!

OTay - I found my host's email worked fine with the default php setup (with some tweaks that have been rolled into subsequent releases)
You fixed your issue.. now, you're really gonna kick yourself by the time you get to the bottom of this reply.. so "gird yer loins" !  :tongue:

Quote from: D.M. –
BUT  :sad:  although the links do look a lot better now and are working perfectly ! There's still a [Link] prefix before them  :cry:

That is not an issue - if that gets turned into a clickable link, that is done by the recipient's email client. When EA sends it out, it's just text. The [Link] just clues the recipient that it IS an html link they have to copy and paste into their browser  if their client DOESN'T make it clickable..  After the 3rd time you see it, you no longer read it (or maybe not even actually "see it" any more) you just know it's there and what it means or marks.. .
(I never read the STOP sign, I see it and I automatically know what it is, and all it means to me is that it marks the location I have to stop - unless it's 3 AM then it's merely advisory..  :laugh:   )..

Quote from: Spuds –
It just does them one at a time to individual users

Because of that, and EA's ability to meter the number of emails sent per minute as I pointed out on the admin page screen shot, there is NO REASON for your host to block EA emails (unless there is a limit on the total number of emails sent per month, per week, whatever..) The mail server doesn't know if the same message is sent in 10 separate emails to 10 separate addresses, or each of those 10 recipients gets a unique message.

And so, there never was a reason to deal with sendgrid ... at all.  :cry:

Now if your forum traffic gets to the point where you start annoying your host, that is typically a good problem to have, and at that point monetize your forum and get a different host!

But don't feel too bad, I was trying to use another forum package before elkarte that I spent 6 months setting up only to discover after it was all configured so I could run a critical function I needed integrating with a different platform, (that only it handled natively) that the function had a bug that rendered that function useless, and that the developers had no inclination to fix. 
Everything I'd done up to that point setting up so I could test that out, and then troubleshooting the problem and isolating it to the package and not something I'd done wrong, all of it was a complete total waste of my time. I switched to ElkArte and had it up, configured, and running in less than two weeks and then found a work-around for interfacing with the platform that drove my selection of the first package..

(And then in accordance with the universal law of infinite perversity, the platform I was trying to coordinate with that drove the need for that forum package I'd spent 6 months setting up, went and shut down several months later, making everything about that requirement totally irrelevant even if I had managed to make it work).

Now, if that makes you feel any better at all.. yea, "it could be worse".. 

Glad it's working now..

Lesson: Burn the bridges when you get to 'em.. otherwise you may discover you burned them too hastily and all you did was waste precious fuel and a damn good match.

Yeah well that is comforting @Steeley  :cheesy:  :thumbsup:

My hosting provider told me:
All mails that get delivered as a newsletter eg. a mail that is with the same text/subject forwarded to multiple different addresses gets marked as spam and blocked

I am not sure if that is the case for the Newsletter on ElkArte regarding Notification emails and the actual daily, weekly and monthly newsletter ?
Do those emails get sent one by one separately to each registered email address or is it more of a mass email as one single email marked for multiple recipients ? That would be very helpful information to know  :nerd:

As I said the registration/reset password and other emails are working fine now with clickable links so that's very refreshing  :thumbsup:  :sweat:

Though I am thinking about disabling the Newsletter , notification and the Daily/Weekly/Monthly emails if the mails get sent as stated above, to avoid getting blocked for spam mailing  :head_bandage:

Also what number of emails per minute do you advise me to set ? I currently have it set to 5 emails per minute, not sure if that's okay ?

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #13

Quote from: D.M. – Also what number of emails per minute do you advise me to set ? I currently have it set to 5 emails per minute, not sure if that's okay ?
You should ask your host about that, on my forum is 50 mail/minute and works fine.
Quote from: Spuds – Using the PHP option in the mail settings uses PHP's mail() function which just delivers it to the servers sendmail  which is generally not fully functional on a shared host.
Not fully functional on a shared host, but works fine on a vps with Postfix

sorry for my bad english

Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working

Reply #14

Quote from: radu81 – You should ask your host about that, on my forum is 50 mail/minute and works fine.

Thank you very much sir ! Will do that !

Quote from: radu81 –
QuoteQuote from: Spuds – 10 hours agoUsing the PHP option in the mail settings uses PHP's mail() function which just delivers it to the servers sendmail  which is generally not fully functional on a shared host.

Not fully functional on a shared host, but works fine on a vps with Postfix

Yeah, using a shared host so I needed to switch to SMTP, I can confirm this!