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[v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode Started by Feline · · Read 3402 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from [v1.1.1] Editor system

[v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Well .. the WYSIWYG Editor here is a little bit buggy ..
If I quote a message, I can't write any content belove the qoutebox .. i must switch to source mode, move the cursor belove the quotebox, tap on the ENTER key .. switch back to WYSIWYG, then I can enter new text ..
Also the enter key I must tap twice for a new line

Browser is latest Chrome 64bit on Window 10
Version 63.0.3239.132 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #1

Quote from: Feline – If I quote a message, I can't write any content belove the qoutebox .. i must switch to source mode, move the cursor belove the quotebox, tap on the ENTER key .. switch back to WYSIWYG, then I can enter new text ..
I also noted this behaviour in elkarte 1.1
sorry for my bad english

Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #2

X3. It's a pain in the mule. :D

Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #3

Quote from: Feline – Well .. the WYSIWYG Editor here is a little bit buggy ..
I'm pretty sure the one your are using in your software is much better, isn't it? :P
BTW, being you yourself a developer, you should know very well that each bug should have its own bug report and not mix multiple ones in a single bug report, otherwise it becomes messy to track what is what. ;)

Quote from: Feline – If I quote a message, I can't write any content belove the qoutebox .. i must switch to source mode, move the cursor belove the quotebox, tap on the ENTER key .. switch back to WYSIWYG, then I can enter new text ..
Also the enter key I must tap twice for a new line
hmm... I can't reproduce it, but here on my old linux I have only access to chrome 58 and I don't have a windows box handy at the moment (I have one, but it's almost impossible to debug anything in a browser).
But I guess I will try to have a look.
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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – I'm pretty sure the one your are using in your software is much better, isn't it? :P
Well .. indeed .. I use the sceditor .. but the bug as I describe above .. he don't have it.
But I have rewritten the code from SMF, so my clone works correct .. tested with all browser I have .. Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Edge, Internet Explorer (yeah  :D ) and all mobile Android Browser.
No problems ...

But .. if you mean, that my reports not wellcome here, then I do post this nevermore.
Thanks for reading ..

And by, by now

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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #5

Don't worry about that @Feline. Do report whenever you found a bug. It useful to the community, here or there.

By the way, I don't think @emanuele means that, really. He already said he will look into it.

Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #6

I guess there is not that much more than what I wrote to read in my comment:
1) a bit of teasing on the fact you take all the opportunities to promote your software (that is what it is, I never said anything about it, just a funny note every so often),
2) a remark that you should know that each bug has its own bug report and not a mixture of reports in the same topic (the same I did for anyone else).
If you take this as personal attacks... well, I don't see anything wrong with my comments.
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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #7

I do not think that I have in any way praised our forum software inappropriately.

Nevertheless, it is believed that it helps the users to find one that is helpful to you and the desired outcome if more than one software is available.

I also have a link to Elkarte on our site .. if I think or act like I'm supposed to, I would hardly do that.

And if it is not right for the administration or the operator of this site that I report mistakes to you, I'll just leave it.

But I really do not see any reason to be insulted here just because I have a different opinion about certain things or have different goals and specifications regarding software programming.

Such behavior is rude and does not promote good communication with sincerity.

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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #8

No-one has insulted anyone here.
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Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #9

I agree with @live627. Actually, it's very hard to tell sincerity, especially when someone is merely teasing.[1]

This is a forum and (I think) we should deal it the forum way and we can always try to be nicer, in the future  8). Let's start by firstly stop accusing each other of anything and focus on what we trying to do at the first place i.e. helping.

If you find a bug the forum is still one way of informing us while socializing. Or you can always use github where less talking and more action can be done.

Everyone is always welcome, no matter what they did, as we always have room improvement (and forgiveness O:-)).
I know @emanuele like teasing :D so do ignore it...

Re: [v1.1.1] quote in WYSIWYG mode

Reply #10

Agreed @ahrasis‍ 

Gentlemen, could we kindly and humbly ask for a solution to the coding problem? ;)