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Sharing attached images on FB Started by badmonkey · · Read 2050 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Sharing attached images on FB

Ah Facebook....the thing we all love to hate.   :D   Seriously, it is a fantastic tool to drive traffic to your site.  Sharing links is dead easy.  But how about attached images?  Since they aren't rendered directly as .jpg images, how can they be shared directly so FB provides a clickbait preview?  Anyone have thoughts?  Thanks!

Re: Sharing attached images on FB

Reply #1

Don't know if it's the best solution but I upload the image to FB and here is the result ;;)
-3  Skoda Club Italia.png

Quote from: badmonkey – Ah Facebook....the thing we all love to hate.  
;D  ;D
sorry for my bad english

Re: Sharing attached images on FB

Reply #2

One of the way is as stated above but to automatically ensure FB gets the post attachment as an image for a particular link, that will need an addon.

Re: Sharing attached images on FB

Reply #3

Right on.  Is there a way to view an attachment directly by file type?  Copy and pasting an image url would be fine, so long as it's something fb can grab.  Or is that more or less what you're saying?

Re: Sharing attached images on FB

Reply #4

Yes, more or less.

When we talk about a post link, there could be two things, i.e. the topic post itself or its reply. Then, there is another matter to note, the post, whether topic or reply do not have its own page (cannot be seen as a single post). Now, if we can show a post as a single post, for it to share its image to fb, I think there should be a link to that image in the head area of html something like:

Code: [Select]
<link rel="image_src" href="http://theattachmentlinks" /> or
<meta property="og:image" content="http://theattachmentlinks"/>

I am not sure if we can pass that info in a link to be shared as normally it will be grab from a page and not a link. That's the idea if one has the ability to create a simple addon for a simple page for each post with that added in the head.

But if it is meant for the whole topic i.e. based on the first topic and and its attachment (first one is preferred and a bit easier for me), simply create and addon to find the first attachment for every first post and add it to the head. FB should be able to show the post attachment as its link image.

That being said, some people may prefer their own forum image for all their forum links, and that should be much more easier.

Just an idea, if some one have time and skill to do it.