Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?
Reply #19 – August 12, 2016, 02:54:12 am
What is a Big Forum for you ? I run a ~1M Posting, 120k Threads & 500-600 concurrent User Forum. Moving from Apache to Nginx will give you a real benefit as Apache is a resource Hog ( Memory ) Moving from Mysql/MariaDB based Search to Spinx or if possible to Google search will remove a very noticeable load from the database. I would be very careful about Configuration Tools. They add additional dependencies (used php versions,support of Webserver & Database versions ... ) to you system which might course more trouble than they resolve. I don't use any external Configuration tools anymore - you don't tweak your server every day, it is a once setup and if necessary tweak story. And it is really nice if you know for sure what has been changed. I would try using external Mail solutions as well - setting up a working & secure Email server is a demanding task. My last big change was to move all the parts into docker containers, this comes very handy if you upgrade versions or have to move to a different server.