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VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums? Started by ahrasis · · Read 11235 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #15

Well, basically I build my own private server based on this I learned that this could also work on vps except some say that it is better to run vps without ispconfig3 especially if you running just one but big forum / site. For this thread, I am looking for the right specs to run a big forum / site as well as the right softwares which @emanuele has listed some, above. Any inputs are very much welcome.

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #16

Quote from: ahrasis – Well, basically I build my own private server based on this I learned that this could also work on vps except some say that it is better to run vps without ispconfig3 especially if you running just one but big forum / site. For this thread, I am looking for the right specs to run a big forum / site as well as the right softwares which @emanuele has listed some, above. Any inputs are very much welcome.

ISPConfig 3 is a pretty good set-up, to be honest. A couple more questions, then: 1. How hands-on do you want to get with the configuration and the like? 2. What's your preferred web server config? That is, apache or nginx or what have you.

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #17

Quote from: Keiro – For most use-cases, even a small $5 VPS from DigitalOcean, Vultr and many other providers can run a forum fairly easily if you know how to configure your VPS to your exact liking.
Agree and I can add Linode to the list, provider that doubled the RAM for all plans a couple of months ago.
And if you don't know how to configure your VPS (like me) there is which can install and configure Nginx in front of apache, mysql, php. For more details
I am using Linode and Serverpilot for a year, and never been happier.

The idea of using an unmanaged vps scared me in the beggining, but I can say it's easier for me to use serverpilot rathar than Cpanel or other panel. I also learned some basic linux commands which are more quicker to use than any panel

edit: I use the free plan on Serverpilot
Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 02:51:46 pm by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #18

Quote from: Keiro – ISPConfig 3 is a pretty good set-up, to be honest. A couple more questions, then: 1. How hands-on do you want to get with the configuration and the like? 2. What's your preferred web server config? That is, apache or nginx or what have you.
1. As hands-on as it could be.
2. Well, for now, I am looking for one apache and one nginx, the later being a reversed proxy to the first.

Quote from: radu81 – which can install and configure Nginx in front of apache, mysql, php.
I am very interested and almost definitely looking for this. I learned that using nginx as a reversed proxy to apache can handle a high amount of users for big forum / site simultaneously. Any links to tutorials for this  are highly appreciated.

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #19

What is a Big Forum for you ?

I run a ~1M Posting, 120k Threads & 500-600 concurrent User Forum.

Moving from Apache to Nginx will give you a real benefit as Apache is a resource Hog ( Memory )
Moving from Mysql/MariaDB based Search to Spinx or if possible to Google search will remove a very noticeable load from the database.

I would be very careful about Configuration Tools. They add additional dependencies (used php versions,support of Webserver & Database versions ... ) to you system which might course more trouble than they resolve. I don't use any external Configuration tools anymore - you don't tweak your server every day, it is a once setup and if necessary tweak story. And it is really nice if you know for sure what has been changed.

I would try using external Mail solutions as well - setting up a working & secure Email server is a demanding task.

My last big change was to move all the parts into docker containers, this comes very handy if you upgrade versions or have to move to a different server.

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #20

Quote from: Nifty – What is a Big Forum for you ?

I run a ~1M Posting, 120k Threads & 500-600 concurrent User Forum.
for me this is a big forum
sorry for my bad english

Re: VPS - The Server Specs And Softwares Used For Big Forums?

Reply #21

@Nifty that is a big forum, congratulations.

I am still undecided whether to use nginx alone or nginx as a reversed proxy to apache. My readings so far seem more favourable to the later.

And sphinx is one of the idea that seems good. But how do we move to google search again?

I am not so sure about any tweaks but as said, I am planning to use ubuntu 14.04.5 with LAMP and nginx as its reversed proxy.

I am planning to use gmail for all my emails. I am already using this setup in my current private server.

I am not so sure about your post last part but I successfully established multi php server where I can change from 5.5 to 5.6 or 7.0 php version easily using ondrej/php ppa.

The trick is to add the ppa and update before installing any php version. There are few more tricks for it but those who need it may simply ask.

I am not in a rush and currently testing LAMP server plus nginx as a reversed proxy internally. If everything work good, I will move a proper server.