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A release before the end of the month? Started by emanuele · · Read 11420 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: A release before the end of the month?

Reply #15

Quote from: emanuele – Looks like the agreement works fine at least here.
 Seems so, but what happens if user click "I don't agree" ? 

@hartiberlin‍ it should ask for accept only if registration terms are changing. If the user agree the terms, the data is saved on database. 
sorry for my bad english

Re: A release before the end of the month?

Reply #16

Quote from: radu81 – Seems so, but what happens if user click "I don't agree" ?
It brings you to the delete account page. Though, honestly I couldn't test if it actually allows to delete the account. xD

Quote from: hartiberlin – if a member wants to get his data or wants to have his account deleted.. ??
Give people the permission to delete their accounts and you are done.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: A release before the end of the month?

Reply #17

I could test it, delete my account, you see what happens, then I register again and you could merge my old posts to my new account. Or you register a test user for yourself.  ;)

Re: A release before the end of the month?

Reply #18

Was an update released by ElkArte to all users or still the new version is in testing?