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What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb?? Started by DJboutit · · Read 14235 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

I currently running a Mybb forum I am in the process of doing a upgrade for it up it is giving my so many problems I am thinking about switching to another forum software.  What makes Elkarte better than Mybb this for anybody this have used both??

Does Elkarte have these features or addons??

An auto forum updater like wordpress or you just feed it a zipfile and it takes care of the rest

Image resizer like someone post a large image and the forum makes it show it at 600px

Allow html in certain forum sections

Set certain forum sections were you need a certain number of post to view that section

Forum shoutbox

Users can see there favorite threads

Advance quick reply

Max post a guest can view before registering

Thread rating

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #1

Hi @DJboutit and welcome.

Quote from: DJboutit – An auto forum updater like wordpress or you just feed it a zipfile and it takes care of the rest
Nope. Updates are a zip file that you have to install. (i.e. you go to admin panel upload the zip and click install.)

Quote from: DJboutit – Image resizer like someone post a large image and the forum makes it show it at 600px
You can limit the max width or height of images in posts (the actual size is limited via CSS).
You can also set a max size (in bytes) of images attached, but in that case the image is rejected and not uploaded unless you use an addon).

Quote from: DJboutit – Allow html in certain forum sections
Simple html can be used (a, br, hr, b, u, i, etc.), but other html is forbidden by design.

Quote from: DJboutit – Set certain forum sections were you need a certain number of post to view that section

Simple Portal has a sort of shoutbox.

Quote from: DJboutit – Users can see there favorite threads
If you mean see a list of their favorite topics, then no.

Depends what you mean.

Quote from: DJboutit – Max post a guest can view before registering
Not in "core", I don't remember addons.

No. There are likes associated to topics, but not rating.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #2

Welcome to elkarte!
You can resize the attachments with this add-on:
for favourite topics you can use the Bookmarks addon:
and for "advanced quick reply" I guess you want to show the full editor at the end of topics, that's possible.
sorry for my bad english

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #3

What makes Elkarte itself better than mybb just forum wise I am not asking about plugins any more??

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #4

You should test elkarte and compare it yourself since you are using mybb and we do not. We certainly cannot claim one software is better than another or vice versa and that will be rude. All we can say is each softwares has its own pros and cons. Some default limitations can be complemented with addons and some do not.

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #5

Hello i was a MyBB user and now i am using ElkArte. The software is so light, we have Like plugin by default no need to install a separate plugin for that. The default theme is responsive unlike MyBB

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #6

Without any doubt what @ahrasis said.
Try it, if you have doubts ask.
It really boils down to preferences in most of the cases, so if you want a specific feature and you find it in a certain software that for you is the best.
On top of that, I've never used MyBB in "real life" scenarios, so I cannot give you any comparison.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: What Makes Elkarte Better Tha Mybb??

Reply #7

Quote from: DJboutit – What makes Elkarte itself better than mybb just forum wise I am not asking about plugins any more??

This is an old topic but I thought I would weigh in since I ran a 2 million + post MyBB forum before I was forced to abandon MyBB. Went with Xenforo for them.

Elkarte Pros

1) PM Schema - MyBB's PM schema is absolutely atrocious. It isn't normalized at all - every PM sent generates a new copy each for the sender and every recipient. This makes it utterly atrocious if your forum has a lot of PM activity.

- Moving to Xenforo meant that I had to write a lot of organizational and search stuff that SMF and MyBB have out of the box. Xenforo certainly isn't better by default.

2) Permissions - SMF and Elkarte have a rather powerful, if complicated, feature called permission profiles. This is immensely rewarding to spend the time to figure out. You can manage truly colossal forums this way, where Xenforo would collapse under the weight of its permissions system and MyBB would become an unorganizeable mess.

3) Scalability - MyBB is out of the box slightly faster than SMF/Elkarte to start. This quickly fades as schema choices and other decisions lead to MyBB performing very poorly in comparison. Hooking into MyBB is incredibly expensive - my SMF forum was able to handle an AJAX chat shoutbox several times as active as my MyBB forum could before it simply collapsed and I had to turn it off.

4) The Mail Queue - SMF and Elkarte had this before Xenforo did. Elkarte 1.1 takes this a step further by handling bounced emails for you. This does wonders for the deliverability of your email.

5) User Management Tools - Tools for dealing with hundreds of members at once - SMF and Elkarte are the best in their class at this. Handling the same functions with MyBB is frustrating, and with Xenforo it is kind of roundabout.

6) Website Integration If you have a general website, SMF/Elkarte are by far the easiest forums to integrate into your overall forum structure.

7) Security I cannot imagine for the life of me @Spuds or @emanuele45 blowing me off about a security concern the way the MyBB team did.

Elkarte Cons

1) Themes There's been some work trying to improve things on this front, but there is still a long way to go and bringing it to say, MyBB's level will take an immense amount of work. This has always been the primary criticism of SMF in general. It does have a powerful subtheme system, however.

2) Integrated admin panel which means you can't lock it behind http auth like you can for most other forum software. It also means breaking the site breaks the admin panel along with it. This integration does have a number of advantages, but in general I consider it a con.

In general, if your forum is getting to be pretty big, Elkarte is an extremely attractive option. The reason I didn't go with it for my MyBB forum is that I wanted to keep my sites distinct.