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Summary of my experience on a program elkarte Started by SHANKS · · Read 13860 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Good evening ...
I am writing a trial summary for the program for the past three days
(I hope that the speech will not be taken as complaining or vilification of the workers on the program)
The program is very beautiful and modern, and I liked the ideas in it, but faced some problems and shortcomings
1- The Control Panel for Items in it is not organized and interfered under to be arranged.
2- There is no map of the site to present it to the search engines
3- Sections Links and Topics is not popular. The system of friendly links should be added
4- Description of the sections and topics that do not exist and the titles are used for the description and this is a wrong way

5- A group system is not clear and the powers of each group cannot be controlled by example (group of visitors - group of members - group of monitors - group of supervisors - group of prohibitors - group awaiting activation by e-mail - group awaiting activation by management)
6- Special ranks and titles cannot be added and controlled so that special titles can be granted to specific members
7- There is no additional page system
This is the link of the site where the program was tried:

Good luck to all ;D

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #1

Quote from: SHANKS – (I hope that the speech will not be taken as complaining or vilification of the workers on the program)
Do not worry about this, we are here to discuss  ;)

1- The Control Panel for Items in it is not organized and interfered under to be arranged.
I'd say it takes some time to get used with it. Feel free to elaborate and suggest if something can be improved.

2- There is no map of the site to present it to the search engines
Yes, you are right, there isn't a sitemap generator into the core, but you can add it with Optimus add-on

3- Sections Links and Topics is not popular. The system of friendly links should be added
I'm afraid I don't understand the first phrase.
Friendly URLS could be added in the next version 2.0 ...

4- Description of the sections and topics that do not exist and the titles are used for the description and this is a wrong way
This can be done with Optimus add-on

5- A group system is not clear and the powers of each group cannot be controlled by example (group of visitors - group of members - group of monitors - group of supervisors - group of prohibitors - group awaiting activation by e-mail - group awaiting activation by management)
On a clean install you have these membergroups: Guests, Members, Global Moderators and Administrator
You can add as many membergroups you want, and assign them the permission you want.
You can use different permission based on post numbers or create different set of permission and assign them to the boards you wish.
There isn't a permission for members that had not activated the account, but you can find them in Admin Panel where you can send a new confirmation or delete those members.
In my opinion the permission system in SMF/Elkarte is powerful and flexible, once you get used with it.

6- Special ranks and titles cannot be added and controlled so that special titles can be granted to specific members
I  never cared about these details, probably those add-ons could do the job
they are both for elkarte 1.0, you can ask the author if has any intention to update those add-ons.

7- There is no additional page system
You can use SimplePortal add-on, it has articles and pages
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #2

Actually, the program is beautiful and modern
I can say that I prefer free software
  And I am seriously thinking about moving to it
But it is reluctant to do so because of the system of groups and members
Not clear

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #3

Try to give more details on what you can't do with membergroups ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #4

For example in vb3 program
It is impossible for visitors or members to be without a group, so when you install the program you have 7 default groups
Awaiting activation by mail
Awaiting activation by management
Each group can control the powers assigned to it.
And also the system of member nicknames and members ranks can prevent their application to administrators and supervisors and have special nicknames
The rank system is for members according to their participation
In the elkarte program, it is applied to everyone without exception

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #5

We agree that Guests, Members, Global Moderator and Administrator already exists into Elkarte.
"Awaiting activation by mail" & "Awaiting activation by management" doesn't exists in Elkarte, these membergroups are acting exactly like Guests and have the same permission as Guests since their account is not confirmed or approved. Now please tell me why is so important to have such membergroups ?

In Elkarte there is no need to add a member to a banned group, you only assign a ban to that account. What is the benefit of having a banned group? Just to show a personal title like "BANNED"? You could also create a membergroup "Banned", but I really don't see the sense of it.

Quote from: SHANKS – The rank system is for members according to their participation
Do you mean based on post count? If so you can enable the option "Enable permissions for post count based groups" in Admin > Members > Permissions > Settings.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #6

Quote from: radu81 – We agree that Guests, Members, Global Moderator and Administrator already exists into Elkarte.
"Awaiting activation by mail" & "Awaiting activation by management" doesn't exists in Elkarte, these membergroups are acting exactly like Guests and have the same permission as Guests since their account is not confirmed or approved. Now please tell me why is so important to have such membergroups ?

In Elkarte there is no need to add a member to a banned group, you only assign a ban to that account. What is the benefit of having a banned group? Just to show a personal title like "BANNED"? You could also create a membergroup "Banned", but I really don't see the sense of it.

Quote from: SHANKS – The rank system is for members according to their participation
Do you mean based on post count? If so you can enable the option "Enable permissions for post count based groups" in Admin > Members > Permissions > Settings.
That the member is counted in the database. And you can control the member.
  The utility is database related.
It is also wrong to classify the site manager as a new member , The presumed director shall have a special title that can be modified according to what he wants
There are mixed matters in ranks and groups
Here the usefulness of groups enables you to control the ranks and titles

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #7

Quote from: SHANKS – That the member is counted in the database. And you can control the member.
  The utility is database related.
in my opinion an unconfirmed account is not a valid account that should NOT be counted as a member. What do you need to control with unconfirmed accounts? They cannot login since they never confirmed their email address or were approved, so they are guests.

Quote from: SHANKS – It is also wrong to classify the site manager as a new member , The presumed director shall have a special title that can be modified according to what he wants
There are mixed matters in ranks and groups
Here the usefulness of groups enables you to control the ranks and titles
Like I said I never paid attention to these details, I disabled personal titles on my forum and I never had problems seeing near my avatar the "Newbie" text. But that's me ... anyway you can hide that , go to Admin > Configuration > Current Theme and enable the option  Hide post group titles for grouped members.
(Enabling this will not display a member's post group title on the message view if they are assigned to a non-post based group.)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #8

I want to build a professional forum and not a regular forum
How members will distinguish between the manager and the supervisor and between the administrator and the supervisor
  Maybe you do not care about things but a large percentage of forums administrators matter.
That is, the visual editor has no way to make it default. There is no editor in the quick comment, there are many deficiencies

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #9

As you can see here on there is a distinction between members and global moderators or admins.
member-profile-1.png member-profile-2.png   mod-profile-1.png mod-profile-2.png
You can also change the yellow dot or blue dot with an image you prefer, and it doesn't need to be a dot image.
As you can see on my profile there is no post count membergroup. Did you already tried to enable the option I wrote in the previous post?

Quote from: SHANKS – That is, the visual editor has no way to make it default. There is no editor in the quick comment

 I already told you it's in the core, if you don't find it just ask ;)
It's in Admin > Theme Management > Member Option > Use quick reply on topic display & Use full editor in Quick Reply.

Which ones?
until now I gave you a solution for almost everything you asked, excluding Pretty Urls. So do you think Youtube is not a professional site since it doesn't have pretty urls?  :D
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #10

For me, I am a member
I cannot distinguish you. Are you a moderator of a specific forum, general supervisor or administrator? I do not know what your rank is here!
Regarding the quick reply
This can be in the non-regulation of control panel items according to addiction
   YouTube is a product of Google Inc. It will not need friendly links, it will make it get good results without setting like other sites.
  Google told himself that friendly links were better and easier to handle

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #11

You simply don't tell the developers what to do. They already equipped with the necessary info, knowledge and experience since before i.e. SMF, before ElkArte. Things were talked and discussed but ultimately we leave them to the developers to decide what is the best for this piece of software. Anyway, it is an opensource, so feel free to make an addon or modify the software accordingly to what you think is the best. Believe me, you will keep changing your mind after gaining one info, then another, simply because life is not static and keep changing. Some feel safe to be conventional, some feel dynamic is better but most of the time there must be a balance in everything. Well, actually I don't know what I am saying nor what I am saying make any sense, right? :P

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #12

Quote from: ahrasis – You simply don't tell the developers what to do. They already equipped with the necessary info, knowledge and experience since before i.e. SMF, before ElkArte. Things were talked and discussed but ultimately we leave them to the developers to decide what is the best for this piece of software. Anyway, it is an opensource, so feel free to make an addon or modify the software accordingly to what you think is the best. Believe me, you will keep changing your mind after gaining one info, then another, simply because life is not static and keep changing. Some feel safe to be conventional, some feel dynamic is better but most of the time there must be a balance in everything. Well, actually I don't know what I am saying nor what I am saying make any sense, right? :P

The topic does not relate to my site being traditional or different
There are major and minor advantages.
  For example: SEO features === >>> A lot of free and open source software does not care about these features, although it is the first point that he should consider what he wants in programming forums or content management program.
In summary (there is between those who do the tradition and those who care about the main things)

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #13

@SHANKS‍ a Global Moderator can moderate topics from all boards, could be General Supervisor in VB, but I don't know what General Supervisor is in VB. You can change the title in General Supervisor if you wish... You want more groups with different permissions? Create them and assign the permission you want, assign an image you prefer, a different color. You really have no limits with permissions in Elkarte

As for Quick Reply I'm afraid I did not understand your message

As for SEO part all you asked is covered by Optimus add-on, and you also have some more options inside, all for free.

I am not trying to convince you this is the best software, it is not because there is no best software like I said first.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Summary of my experience on a program elkarte

Reply #14

Quote from: radu81 – @SHANKS‍ a Global Moderator can moderate topics from all boards, could be General Supervisor in VB, but I don't know what General Supervisor is in VB. You can change the title in General Supervisor if you wish... You want more groups with different permissions? Create them and assign the permission you want, assign an image you prefer, a different color. You really have no limits with permissions in Elkarte

As for Quick Reply I'm afraid I did not understand your message

As for SEO part all you asked is covered by Optimus add-on, and you also have some more options inside, all for free.

I am not trying to convince you this is the best software, it is not because there is no best software like I said first.

There's a difference between them.
General Manager, General Supervisor and Department Supervisors
General Manager: Can control the entire site and disable the properties and can access the control panel of the addict
Moderators Super: Can control all sections of the forum site and topics as well as partial control of the members through a panel for Moderators Super.
Moderators: Control is only on a specific forum or section (simple deletion of topics and posts, closing, installing, editing, merging) .

Regarding the addition, it is not working properly.
Description does not appear. And the sitemap does not work