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Is it worth worrying about teh n00bz? Started by Antechinus · · Read 3758 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Is it worth worrying about teh n00bz?

Just wondering about this. Obviously it makes sense to code things cleanly and logically. However, coding interfaces is getting more and more complex all the time, largely due to the number of different devices that have varying degrees of standards support, combined with the desire for an interface to work on all of them and include more functionality than ever.

Frankly, the olden days dream of a web that had consistent standards seems to be as illusory as it always was, and is always being borked, either by the introduction of something new and incompatible or even by the resurrecting of old bugs that had already been fixed and were then re-introduced in a new release (*cough* Firefox 27 fixed background *cough*). There are browsers out there today that don't even support CSS2 properly, let alone CSS3, and often the bits they don't support properly are very useful bits indeed.

What I'm thinking is that the old idea of trying to encourage "innovative theming" may be obsolete, simply because there's hardly any "intermediate" level any more. It's either change hardly anything ("I want this bit red instead of blue") or have enough skillz to rebuild the whole damned thing. You may not actually want to rebuild the whole damned thing, but you may well need that level of skill to enable you to fix something if you start getting a bit more adventurous than just colour changes.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P