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White page on upgrade Started by ahrasis · · Read 6181 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Releasing 1.1 beta 1

White page on upgrade

My report: After selecting all in "Step 2: Upgrade Options" and clicking continue, I am facing a white page during the upgrade. I tried again by disabling all addons and hooks, but the upgrade still facing the white page. I tried to install 1.0.7 using the same database and domain and that works just fine. I haven't try installing 1.1 beta 1 as a fresh install though.

I found no error in Apache2 error log as well.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #1

For bugs, better a new topic in bug reports. ;)
I'll split that to there.

ETA: here it is.
Yeah, I guess I should have asked for more testing on upgrade... :-[
It worked last time I tried, but I guess I broke something. :-\
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #2

Found and fixed locally.
 emanuele foresees a beta 2 in a couple of weeks. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #3

Great. Where can I get the fixed one?

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #4

I just merged in development, so you can pick the package of the development branch at github ("clone or download" button on the right.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #5

Upgrade still has the hiccups. I couldn't upgrade selecting all option in step1 but managed to upgrade leaving default option selected (#2).

Error 500 but I still couldn't find any recorded error in apache2 error log.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #6

Oh noes. I received a "HTTP ERROR 500" white page too........ :'(
This on Step 2, right after selecting options.
Facta, non verba.


Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #7

Oh hahaha my bad....

The file is actually a zip of a folder.. so when extracting it onto my server, it created a folder instead of overwriting the original forum files...

Fixed and all okay now :)
Facta, non verba.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #8

Upgrading eh Niloc? I will have a retrial later.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #9

Yeah haha. YOLO all the way :)
Facta, non verba.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #10

Retried several times and still failed to properly upgrade. This time old language error. Sighed. It's either you are lucky or it is my bad luck. As for now, I will stay away from further upgrade test.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #11

Did you try with a recent build?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #12

I did a copy of my forum in localhost, and beside the strange look of fontawesome icons it seems to run well.
I tried to upgrade to 1.1 with the instructions provided here
Update and Upgrade ยท elkarte/Elkarte Wiki
and I'm getting an error 500 when I go to install/upgrade.php
In error.log I see

Code: [Select]
[Mon Jan 02 22:58:52.743536 2017] [:error] [pid 8282] [client] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/radu/www/html/skodaclub/install/upgrade.php on line 453, referer: http://localhost/skodaclub/install/install.php

I think it's related to my local install, is there something I should check? I use php 5.6, apache 2.4 on mint 18
Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 09:18:10 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #13

As much as I can remember, it was good in 1.1 beta 3 for upgrade from 1.0 branch.

Re: White page on upgrade

Reply #14

@radu81 it was fixed on today's commit. #2823