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Available for work Started by live627 · · Read 2129 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Available for work

I'd like to announce that I'm available for hire :)

I've been involved with this project on and off since 2014 (not in any official way!). I have made some adddons (Footer Menu, Ultimate Menu, amongst others) for ElkArte which seem to be well received. I've also been involved with SMF in various forms over several years.

What I can do:
I'm mostly a jack of all trades, with a focus on custom code.
  • Addons
  • Themes
  • Conversions (I can also convert your SMF modifications/themes)
  • Custom SMF coding (I still know that platform quite well, and this is a good way to not let y knowledge go to waste)
  • WordPress (I also have limited knowledge of WordPress from writing a few small plugins on commission)
Let me know what you need done and I'll give you a tentative quote. I  don't strictly charge by the hour because I have a bad sense of time - and am not too good at estimates.

LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte