Push Notification
How does Elk serve browser based notifications ?
Re: Push Notification
Reply #2 –
I just got some notifications in browser.
Re: Push Notification
Reply #3 –
It's not exactly a push notification, it's a desktop notification, and on top of that, it's using an API that is basically deprecated, so it's already old.
On the bright side, sine the feature exists it should be "easy" to replace it with a more modern implementation (provided the "standard" will not change entirely before we get the new one..).
Re: Push Notification
Reply #7 –
From me personally, not in the short term (I have other things in my todo list, sorry).
I added the html5 desktopnotifications because it seemed easy. If the current/future W3 webpush or whatever-they-want-to-call-it notifications will not be a pain I'll explore the option and try to use them, otherwise I'll just drop it from final and make an addon or something.
Re: Push Notification
Reply #13 –
Not really a duplicate if one is for Android/iOS and the other for web browsers. They are two different things, I think.