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Fine tuning of boards management Started by emanuele · · Read 1946 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Fine tuning of boards management

From time to time I see the request of let some group or single user manage a certain set of boards, having permissions to create/delete/move within the limits for example of a certain category.

This is one of those nasty features that are easy to describe, but less easy to implement, and even think how to implement them properly.
I'm not sure if this is enough as an addon or it would fit the core, though I would like to gather ideas on both how it should/may work and how to design it.

First problem that comes to my mind, is: how to define the boards? I mean: an admin decides I should be able to handle some boards, fine. Which boards are these? I'd say there are two (complementary and non-exclusive) options: 1) all the boards belonging to a category, 2) all the sub-boards of a certain board. It seems the most reasonable solution.
Then there is a discussion about visibility of those boards, but I guess that the "manager" should be able to see any board within his "territory".

Second problem is: how to assign that manager to a certain set of boards. Well, I guess a field in the create/modify category/board pages should be fine?

Third: better to use a group or single members? Member group managers are single users, but the request of having groups to manage groups is not unusual, as it is for boards moderators. From my point of view I think that members able to manage the structure of boards shouldn't be *many*, 5? 10? A group seems overkill, though I'm just one, so more opinions are welcome.

More to come likely.
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