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Elk mobile app Started by TE · · Read 8712 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Elk mobile app

ElkArte is from now on also a fullscreen mobile web app.. 8)  all you need is Chrome M31 Beta (hopefully Google will release this feature for the normal Chrome soon...) and an Android device.
Just visit this site and add it to your homescreen.

Attached some screenshots from my Huawei Y300 phone.

This is a "new" feature in Elk and can be done with your own forum as well.

Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #1

Is it just a browser shortcut, or a separate browser session? What happens when you open links to new tabs?

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #2

Quote from: Nao – Is it just a browser shortcut, or a separate browser session? What happens when you open links to new tabs?
I'ts a seperate (sandboxed) browser session, and you can't open links in a new window. It's treated like an android app, not a browser... the browser's context menu isn't available in that sandbox.

Edit: Some corrections, a link to a new window will open a new browser window..
Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 10:42:04 am by TE
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #3

Just a short update:  That feature in Chrome (productive version) is now build-in. :) Got my chrome update today...
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #4

Yes, and it only generates bookmarks, not sand boxed browsers. It's still nice though. I can have a full page of links to my favorite tabs. Avoiding me the hassle of going through my list of 200+ open tabs to find them. ;)

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #5

Correction. You must have something in your code that makes elk behave differently. This bookmark indeed opens a pseudo-app for me.
However, the lack of a refresh button only makes it suitable for single-page apps (think JS frameworks). I would recommend that you drop it, because I'm getting used to these bookmarks and find it sad that I have to access the protendo bookmark then change to the next tab to access elk properly. ;)

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #6

Quote from: Nao – However, the lack of a refresh button only makes it suitable for single-page apps (think JS frameworks).
yep, @Nao .. that's why I'm currently evaluating gesture /swipe Events..
Not sure what's the other Problem.. You can still add Elk to the "normal" Chrome Bookmarks, or not?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #7

There's some swipe stuff in the wedge/stash repo at github, feel free to reuse it without crediting me.
I'm probably gonna reuse it as I want to give sidebar swipes another go. (Once Wedge is out, of course. I'm already late by a few days.)

No I can bookmark elk but I can't do a regular home screen link, it's either the sand boxed one or the chrome shortcut.

Still, I've looked into it and it looks like elk's cache settings are very aggressive so it always refreshes when I visit it. Not good for my cache, but good for your pseudo app I guess... ;)

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #8

Quote from: Nao – There's some swipe stuff in the wedge/stash repo at github, feel free to reuse it without crediting me.
Thanks, If I find some time I'll take a look.

Regarding the "problem": It may be an issue with your personal workflow, however I think it's just a small piece in ther big puzzle named "security"..It makes ElkArte a tiny bit more secure against clickjacking and such hacking attempts..

See, we have completely overhauled SMF's security concept in almost all areas:

- integrated BadBehaviour, added new and way better configurable captchas
- added a proper data validation via formular tokens & our new data Validation class.
- seperated the admin session from the normal login, made it configurable via admin interface and give a proper indication about that session.
- Spuds recently  added a new password hashing / encryption system (phpass -> using bcrypt which is a de-facto standard in modern php based web applications)

This "sandboxing" is just one more attempt to secure the application. The regular user will probably never notice any negative side effects and if it's causing real problems a forum owner can still disable it by removing a single line of code from the templates.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #9

Err... All right.

I'm just not sure security trumps usability in the present case.

(Also, Wedge also has more security features like the extra captchas, BadBehavior, multiple Q&As with multiple answers, etc... But feel free to do a pull request if you want to add more, like the token/session/hashing stuff if you think it's of any use ;D)

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #10

It is nice to be mobile ready.

Re: Elk mobile app

Reply #11

It's just... normal to be mobile ready in 2014. Mobile viewing of any kind of website has been multiplied by 10 or so in the last couple of years.
Not being mobile ready in 2014 is *suicidal*.