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[RC1] Delete a search engine Started by Jorin · · Read 2311 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[RC1] Delete a search engine

I tried to add Google as search engine. Okay, this didn't work (is there a manual how to do that?), but when I try to empty the three fields and save the changes, I get this error message:

QuoteThe database value you're trying to insert does not exist: value

Re: [RC1] Delete a search engine

Reply #1

Can you please describe step-by-step what you did?

What I tried is:
add a new search engine using "test" as name and user agent
modified the search engine
emptied the fields name and user agent (the IP list was already empty)
* saved
It saved without errors.
Of course an empty search engine doesn't help, so this should be fixed (1.0.1 or 1.1).
Then I selected the empty search engine with the checkbox next to it and removed the entry. No errors.

... unless maybe it has been fixed in the meantime... dunno.

Another small error is that while editing/adding, the menu entry highlighted is wrong (stats instead of spiders).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [RC1] Delete a search engine

Reply #2

I don't have any checkboxes!  :o

Filled the three fields (name, URL, word-separator) and clicked "save"... Tried the search... Didn't work... Emptied the fields and clicked "save" again... Got the error message.

Re: [RC1] Delete a search engine

Reply #3

QuoteI don't have any checkboxes!  :o
Ah ... I (and emanuele) were looking in the wrong area (Admin -> Members -> Search Engines -> Spiders)
QuoteOf course an empty search engine doesn't help, so this should be fixed (1.0.1 or 1.1).
Yup ... I think its harmless for 1.0 but was able to do that as well

Anyway the error is in Admin -> Forum -> Search -> Settings  ... I can reproduce your bug too :D I'm not familiar with that area and settings so I hope emanuele is  O:-)  I know it adds them to the quick search drop down, but don't know a thing past that.


Re: [RC1] Delete a search engine

Reply #5


That's the reason give a path to the page the problem occur is always better. :P

Yeah, looks like one of my bugs. O:-)
In ManageSearch.controller.php, change:
Code: [Select]
'additional_search_engines' => !empty($new_engines) ? serialize($new_engines) : null
Code: [Select]
'additional_search_engines' => !empty($new_engines) ? serialize($new_engines) : ''

And here it is:

In order to add google, you can use the following:
name: Google
Code: [Select]
words separator: +
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [RC1] Delete a search engine

Reply #6

Quote from: emanuele – That's the reason give a path to the page the problem occur is always better. :P

Okay, next time.  :-[

 :P yourself!

 :D  ;)