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Bug Reports board - Why? Started by Ant59 · · Read 3027 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Bug Reports board - Why?

Can we remove the bug reports board and replace it with a redirect to the GitHub issue tracker? It makes it much easier for everything to be in one place.

Re: Bug Reports board - Why?

Reply #1

I'm sure not everyone signed up here has an account at github, and I (personally, maybe others disagree) don't feel like "forcing" people (for example other forum admins that are here in order to get support) to register at another site "just" to report a bug. And even if, how many would? I suspect an awfully low number (I think I wouldn't do), and it would result in people reporting bugs in any other random board, making it even more difficult to track them properly... :(

That's the reason I would be against closing that board. ;)

I agree that maybe a better organization could help (e.g. once a bug report is confirmed move the report to github, or something like that). O:-)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Bug Reports board - Why?

Reply #2

You're right. I hadn't thought about accounts/guests etc.

Perhaps we could do a tidy-up of the board though, and - as you say - once bugs are confirmed, move them to the GitHub tracker to await resolution.

Re: Bug Reports board - Why?

Reply #3

Yep, that looks like a good idea. ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.