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What about a "Delete all drafts" button Started by radu81 · · Read 1563 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

What about a "Delete all drafts" button

Today I was serching my drafts and I saw a list of 10 pages. It will be nice to have a "Remove all" button.

I've also noticed that a draft once is published it still remains into "Drafts". Is this correct, or is something wrong with my forum?

Thank you
sorry for my bad english

Re: What about a "Delete all drafts" button

Reply #1

I'd say there is nothing wrong with your forum. 

There are a few ways that drafts get "left behind", its just the nature of the system and there is no one fix.  I think a lot of that is from the auto save feature.   If you always get a draft left behind when posting, then something could be wrong, but if you sometimes get one  left behind, well at the current time thats kind of normal (and why there is the retain drafts for xx days setting in the ACP).

It would not be to much to add a remove all drafts button, right now you can do it a page at a time.

Re: What about a "Delete all drafts" button

Reply #2

It may be worth add in the database (if not already there) a field to distinguish between automatically saved and user-saved drafts, I guess this would help in cleaning up. :)
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Features destroyer.
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Re: What about a "Delete all drafts" button

Reply #3

I have auto save enabled, to be honest I only saw a couple of drafts that I'm sure I posted into my forum. I did not checked all pages, I just deleted all the list. I did have 0 days for saving drafts, I set it to 30 days now. I'll keep an eye on it. thanks for your support
sorry for my bad english