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[Suggestion for next major release] Sparkpost integration Started by radu81 · · Read 1804 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[Suggestion for next major release] Sparkpost integration


I think most of admins who run a forum had or still have this problem: e-mails sent from forum marked as spam. There are a lot of providers who are offering some free emails like: mandrill, mailgun, sendgrid, etc... From 27 april Mandrill will not be availble for free, but there are still many other competitors. One of those is which offers 100.000 email/month for free, imo that will be enough for 90-95% of all forums.

I know that in the next major release 1.1.x or latter it will be included a bounce function, what do you think about the idea to release and addon compatible with sparkpost? I know there is already the SMTP function since SMF 2.x, but we should use another email address like bounce@mydomain.tld for bounced emails. The problem is that sparkpost does not work with an external email account to handle bouce, but we should use webhooks.

What do you think? obviously is not a thing to do in the next days, but when we will have a bounce function integrated.
sorry for my bad english