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Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years Started by scripple · · Read 3869 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years


I'm at a total loss.  Elkarte is just a flakey unusable mess on my public server.  Works fine on my local machine.  SMF runs fine on this public server.

I've done clean installs of the Beta 2, the trunk as of 12 hours or so ago, and attempts to port my existing system.  They all end up unusable.

The most common problem is every attempt to do anything that requires a session to say some for of session error.  Timed out being the most common.  It's basically 100% unusable instantly with apc enabled.  With apc disabled it pretends to be ok for a little while then fails.

But it's not just session.  Just not when I logged into any non-admin account I would not have a profile button.  The other buttons were there but not that one.  And it claimed I was still logged in.

So clearly something about my public server makes elk very unhappy where SMF is fine.  I did have to make changes for elk.  magic quotes was on (oops apparently) and mysqli was not installed.  So I rebuilt apache/php to include that module and turned off the magic quotes.

SMF still seems to be fine after this.

It's centos 6.5, Apache 2.2, php 5.4.26.

Here's the differences in session related lines from the php.ini of the two systems (as in different but not commented out)

The server that doesn't work has these lines:
session.cookie_path = "/"
session.gc_probability = 1
session.gc_divisor = 100

session.entropy_length = 0
session.entropy_file =
session.save_path = "/tmp"

The server that does work has these
session.cookie_path = /
session.gc_probability = 0
session.gc_divisor = 1000

session.use_strict_mode = 0
session.use_only_cookies = 1
session.cookie_httponly =
session.bug_compat_42 = Off
session.bug_compat_warn = Off
session.hash_function = 0
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5

Please help.  I have no idea about php (and it's link to apache configuration).  Let me know what other configuration info would be helpful.
Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 01:59:00 am by scripple

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #1

Ok, this really seems like a cache issue of some sort.  Or a delay line at least.  I currently can't log out right now.  So I made several clicks on the logout button.  Here are two columns of the some debug from the checkSession function.  The column on the left holds the values of $sc (passed in) which also equals $_SESSION[value] everytime.  Right right column is the value in the $_GET.

e297ba2920f42d7da0ab88a28d29e6f1 / 1dafe8f80289a210f20c718064d1039f
af4d491f12227b2e28aa092d22914ce1 / e297ba2920f42d7da0ab88a28d29e6f1
7d8f920dfa653a1617c35b8a659a56a8 / af4d491f12227b2e28aa092d22914ce1
9230f7892cbf8853de29e88234aa4fef / 7d8f920dfa653a1617c35b8a659a56a8
14aebd2d1534c1c3c9472f1759b3c6dd / 9230f7892cbf8853de29e88234aa4fef

The values being set on the logout button are always one step behind.

And here's the session_var instead of value.  Same thing, _SESSION on left _GET on right
f74a9783 / a14d77487a9
a73684959e55 / f74a9783
ef75cd49141 / a73684959e55
f9939453 / ef75cd49141
d4cc77acf09 / f9939453

Exact same wrong timing.

I still don't know what would cause this though.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #2

Quote from: scripple – Ok, this really seems like a cache issue of some sort.  Or a delay line at least.  I currently can't log out right now.  So I made several clicks on the logout button.  Here are two columns of some debug from the checkSession function.  The column on the left holds the values of $sc (passed in) which also equals $_SESSION[value] everytime.  Right right column is the value in the $_GET.

e297ba2920f42d7da0ab88a28d29e6f1 / 1dafe8f80289a210f20c718064d1039f
af4d491f12227b2e28aa092d22914ce1 / e297ba2920f42d7da0ab88a28d29e6f1
7d8f920dfa653a1617c35b8a659a56a8 / af4d491f12227b2e28aa092d22914ce1
9230f7892cbf8853de29e88234aa4fef / 7d8f920dfa653a1617c35b8a659a56a8
14aebd2d1534c1c3c9472f1759b3c6dd / 9230f7892cbf8853de29e88234aa4fef

The values being set on the logout button are always one step behind.

And here's the session_var instead of value.  Same thing, _SESSION on left _GET on right
f74a9783 / a14d77487a9
a73684959e55 / f74a9783
ef75cd49141 / a73684959e55
f9939453 / ef75cd49141
d4cc77acf09 / f9939453

Exact same wrong timing.

I still don't know what would cause this though.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #3

Could it be the same problem IchBin and Inter reported here and here?
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Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – Could it be the same problem IchBin and Inter reported here and here?
And the fix that worked on my local for that was here but that could be other issues with APC as well

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #5

Well I put apc.enabled = 0 in the php.ini, for a couple minutes it's been working.  My crude attempt to disable it last night didn't seem to have a lasting fix, but things got a little annoying and jumbled.  Will report back either way how it goes after a while.  If this does fix it then I'd say that yes there are still problems with apc.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #6

Does your install have the fix above?  It was just recently added to the code.  If yes and its still acting up we can try some other locations for it.  It worked for my local install with APC but APC is a bit weird.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #7

It does not.  I pulled the master from git hub early PST on the 29th.   So it must be very recent.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #8

@Spuds I applied the apc fix and reactivated apc on my server.  Seems to be working ok so far.

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #9

Quote from: scripple – @Spuds I applied the apc fix and reactivated apc on my server.  Seems to be working ok so far.
Good ... keep us posted  :)

Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #10

So that seems fixed, right?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #11

Yes. Fixed.


Re: Elkarte won't work on my public forum that's run SMF for years

Reply #12

Great! Thanks! :D
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Features destroyer.
Template killer.