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Whitepage on php7 Started by ahrasis · · Read 3986 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Whitepage on php7

Quote from: ahrasis –
Quote from: emanuele – That aside, I'm waiting to see if it's possible to fix another issue with the sessions in php 7 while we are at it.
I am about to ask about this. My EA1.1b1 shows whitepage  on php7. EA1.0.8 works fine on php7 (at least I can see no errors so far).

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #1

Where does this page show?
Specific page/s? Anywhere?

It's an upgrade or a fresh install?
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #2

Install fresh on php5 using WAMP (Uniform Server latest version). It is working when it's changed to php 5.5 and 5.6 but only shows white screen when changed to php7.

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #3

Difficult to debug without any clue.

IIRC you are using your own server, so you should be able to enable the error reporting:
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #4

Ok. Noted. Will add that to index.php and see its outcome. By the way, where should I locate the outcome?  ::)

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #5

Are you looking for this access log @emanuele?
Quote127.0.0.1 - - [04/Aug/2016:15:22:17 +0800] "GET /11/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 20 - - [04/Aug/2016:15:25:52 +0800] "GET /11/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 20 - - [04/Aug/2016:15:28:39 +0800] "GET /11/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 20 - - [04/Aug/2016:15:29:44 +0800] "GET /11/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 20

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #6

No, not for the access log, but for the error log. ;)
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #7

I can't get php to show the error on the white page. Meaning, it could be WAMP setup fault but I doubted it myself since EA 1.0.8 is running fine on php7 at the same time.

I wish there is another way to find what cause the white page error. I may setup another LAMP with php7 since I cannot get my private server to run multiple php versions as yet.

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #8

The errors are not showing because of one the settings in your php.ini.
If you add the code present in the two links I posted, the errors should show up.
Otherwise, any apache has error logs, and you can go open the file (usually it's more or less in the same place as the access log you posted. ;)
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #9

Well, it doesn't show any though it shows error if i put a wrong code. And nothing in apache logs except the one given above. My guess is the package is corrupted. I am setting a lubuntu LAMP and will test further on from there. I will report again, later.

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #10

But if the problem is due to the windows paths, it's unlikely you'll get the same error in a linux environment.
Anyway I'll see if I can set up a testing forum on a windows machine.
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #11

In LAMP (php7), only these are displayed.
QuotesetupAutoloader(array(SOURCEDIR, SUBSDIR, CONTROLLERDIR, ADMINDIR, ADDONSDIR)); $autoloder->register(SOURCEDIR, '\\ElkArte'); // Show lots of debug information below the page, not for production sites if ($db_show_debug === true) Debug::get()->rusage('start', $rusage_start); // Forum in extended maintenance mode? Our trip ends here with a bland message. if (!empty($maintenance) && $maintenance == 2) Errors::instance()->display_maintenance_message(); // Clean the request. cleanRequest(); // Initiate the database connection and define some database functions to use. loadDatabase(); // Let's set up out shiny new hooks handler. Hooks::init(database(), Debug::get()); // It's time for settings loaded from the database. reloadSettings(); // Our good ole' contextual array, which will hold everything $context = array(); // Seed the random generator. elk_seed_generator(); // Before we get carried away, are we doing a scheduled task? If so save CPU cycles by jumping out! if (isset($_GET['scheduled'])) { // Don't make people wait on us if we can help it. if (function_exists('fastcgi_finish_request')) fastcgi_finish_request(); $controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller(); $controller->action_autotask(); } // Check if compressed output is enabled, supported, and not already being done. if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput']) && !headers_sent()) { // If zlib is being used, turn off output compression. if (detectServer()->outPutCompressionEnabled()) $modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = 0; else { @ob_end_clean(); ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } } // Register error & exception handlers. Errors::instance()->register_handlers(); // Start the session. (assuming it hasn't already been.) loadSession(); // Restore post data if we are revalidating OpenID. if (isset($_GET['openid_restore_post']) && !empty($_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['openid_restore_post']]['post']) && empty($_POST)) { $_POST = $_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['openid_restore_post']]['post']; unset($_SESSION['openid']['saved_data'][$_GET['openid_restore_post']]); } // Pre-dispatch elk_main(); // Call obExit specially; we're coming from the main area ;). obExit(null, null, true); /** The main dispatcher. This delegates to each area. */ function elk_main() { global $modSettings, $user_info, $topic, $board_info, $context, $maintenance; // A safer way to work with our form globals $_req = HttpReq::instance(); // Special case: session keep-alive, output a transparent pixel. if ($_req->getQuery('action') === 'keepalive') { header('Content-Type: image/gif'); die("\x47\x49\x46\x38\x39\x61\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x21\xF9\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B"); } // We should set our security headers now. frameOptionsHeader(); securityOptionsHeader(); // Load the user's cookie (or set as guest) and load their settings. loadUserSettings(); // Load the current board's information. loadBoard(); // Load the current user's permissions. loadPermissions(); // Attachments don't require the entire theme to be loaded. if ($_req->getQuery('action') === 'dlattach' && (!empty($modSettings['allow_guestAccess']) && $user_info['is_guest']) && (empty($maintenance) || allowedTo('admin_forum'))) detectBrowser(); // Load the current theme. (note that ?theme=1 will also work, may be used for guest theming.) else { loadTheme(); // Load BadBehavior before we go much further loadBadBehavior(); // The parser is not a DIC just yet loadBBCParsers(); } // Check if the user should be disallowed access. is_not_banned(); // If we are in a topic and don't have permission to approve it then duck out now. if (!empty($topic) && empty($board_info['cur_topic_approved']) && !allowedTo('approve_posts') && ($user_info['id'] != $board_info['cur_topic_starter'] || $user_info['is_guest'])) Errors::instance()->fatal_lang_error('not_a_topic', false); $no_stat_actions = array('dlattach', 'jsoption', 'requestmembers', 'jslocale', 'xmlpreview', 'suggest', '.xml', 'xmlhttp', 'verificationcode', 'viewquery', 'viewadminfile'); call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_log_stats', array(&$no_stat_actions)); // Do some logging, unless this is an attachment, avatar, toggle of editor buttons, theme option, XML feed etc. if ((empty($_REQUEST['action']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $no_stat_actions) || (!empty($_REQUEST['sa']) && !in_array($_REQUEST['sa'], $no_stat_actions))) && !isset($_REQUEST['api'])) { // I see you! writeLog(); // Track forum statistics and hits...? if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats'])) trackStats(array('hits' => '+')); } unset($no_stat_actions); // What shall we do? $dispatcher = new Site_Dispatcher(); // Show where we came from, and go $context['site_action'] = $dispatcher->site_action(); $context['site_action'] = !empty($context['site_action']) ? $context['site_action'] : $_req->getQuery('action', 'trim|strval', ''); $dispatcher->dispatch(); }

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #12

This simply means you don't have php installed as far as I can tell. (Or maybe you don't have the apache module, anyway the newt result is that the file is displayed as a plain text file instead of parsed as php.)
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Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #13

May be but I am not so sure about it as I didn't managed to test further do to limited free time. The only think I remember is I was using a PPA ondrej/php in my LAMP to install php 5.5, 5.6 and 7. I think I change it to 7 when the errors shows up. A bad installation is a may be. I will check my php installation and try to test it further, later. I will be in no hurry this time.

Re: Whitepage on php7

Reply #14

I have finalized my multiple php (5.5, 5.6 and 7.0) LAMP with lubuntu-core (minimal) 14.04.5 as GUI.[1] Elkarte 1.1 beta 1 seems to work fine with all three php version. I can now safely confirmed that whitepage on php7 is definitely a WAMP problem. Thank you for all the supports.
Those who need this setup may request in other open thread or simply pm me here.