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Wedge Started by Nao · · Read 19266 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Wedge

Reply #30

Ehm. Yes. What?

Re: Wedge

Reply #31

'Like him'

Re: Wedge

Reply #32

Ah. Yes, totally. I've always been a fan of cowards.

Re: Wedge

Reply #33

Nao ... I like Wedge as you well know and I'm test it and allot of other things, I am a Test junky. and I just got a copy of ElKArte and will be testing out starting to morrow, there are few I don't like what what really don't like stuff you have to pay big bucks for and renew every year Like VB and I take it now gone bunker with issues stuff, I used a few year back for several years and did not really like then >> But you guys... You Guys are coming up with some fantastic stuff here and at Wedge, and I sure hope nothing gets in you way.. Keep up the great stuff, also getting us out the the SOS rut with the typical, and in to the future of Communities and they way they should work!

So congrats you you all best to you!
there I said it.


Re: Wedge

Reply #34

This is great news Nao, I have been following Wedge for sometime now and having a release is awesome.

Re: Wedge

Reply #35

Thanks! Doing my best to get it ready for a beta release but I don't want to steal elk's momentum and it's a but unfortunate that we're both on a release path at the same time, but as I said plenty of times, I'm looking forward to be able to collaborate with elk in some fashion. (If anything, by making it easier to switch at will between the two systems, thanks to Thorsten's work on the importer.)

Re: Wedge

Reply #36

I think it's great that Wedge and Elkarte can be friends ( lack of better word) you don't see this very much done amongst competitors. Shows us users what type of admins we have.

Re: Wedge

Reply #37

The main thing is support, mods and themes. Whichever has the best of them wins.

Re: Wedge

Reply #38

Can't wait to try Wedge as well! :)

Re: Wedge

Reply #39

Well the public pre-alpha is available to anyone and has been for exactly a month now... I'm actually surprised you didn't try it out earlier ;) it's getting more stable every day.
I'm planning for a public beta by next month but real life is getting in the way sometimes. I think I'm still on track though!

Re: Wedge

Reply #40

I've not been as active as I'd like to be in the last month. College graduation, winter storms from hell and the works lol

Re: Wedge

Reply #41

Come on, just admit you haven't been following Wedge news in the last couple of months...  O:-)

You can't go wrong with ElkArte either so it doesn't matter, but just make sure to evaluate both and determine which one best suits your needs ;)

Re: Wedge

Reply #42

I've not been following a lot lately :p But I will say the only reason I knew about ElkArte is from a post at AAF :p get out there and market it, especially on my forums haha

Re: Wedge

Reply #43

Well as I said I can't post on your forum these days. That would mean changing the bulb! (For Red Dwarf fans ;))

I'll do some kind of marketing once I get a proper alpha out. Or beta, at this rate... (Wedge will go beta as soon as I introduce a self-update mechanism.)