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Looks like a new review done on ElkArte! Started by Burke Knight · · Read 6367 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

I so could not resist doing it! LOL

And for those that do not know it yet, I am and always was, DeadMan. :)

EDIT: Changed link to new improved post in newly converted site. :)

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #1

I'm sorry and I really don't want to slow you down, but this isn't a review in my opinion. It's more a kind of a news, don't you think?  ;)

As a review it lacks of personal experiences with the software. It doesn't describe the every day life with ElkArte in your role of an admin and an user. Is ElkArte easy to use, comfortable and fast? Those questions aren't answered, compared to other software.

Sorry again if I am to clear in my words. Thank you for the article, but no. No review in my opinion.  O:-)

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #2

Well, in his case, it's best "he" can do, since he's stuck using WordPress.... LOL
I'll edit and do more, once I get him converted over.

That's my next project, as I'm really tired of the issues I have on WP...
I just need a really good dark theme, for one. As well as the time to do it.

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #3

I used WP a few years too. Now all my articles are postings in ElkArte. I converted them on my own.  ;)

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #4

Converting the posts, is not really the issue...
The really good layout that I want, is! LOL
That's what's going to take time to do. :)

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #5

It's a matter of re-designing display layout. A simple theme for blog board. If you got time, that should be pita.

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #6

There is one feature I saw in Wedge, I'd love to see in ElkArte...

The ability to have a board displayed as a blog.

When they see board index, and click to enter the board, it does look awesome as blog layout for the posts.

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #7

Like I said. It's a matter of theming the board.

Plus, you might need first post to be always on top addon for that. You might also need relevant topics addon too.

The only lacking, if you need one, I might say is reply to reply (not to first post). Other than that, the theming could be done quite easily.
Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 06:45:27 pm by ahrasis

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #8

Theming the board, is not going to do the blog list of topics, instead of the regular.
That's a fair amount of coding, which if not mistaken, is in more than the topic display template.

Now, with the SP pages feature, I can set blog pages up, but then the blog boards would still be visible to everyone who accesses the board index.

Unless, I get crafty, and try to use css, to hide those boards. However, how would I do that, for all but the admin?

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #9

Seems like you need a more pure blog addon. There was once a good blog mod in smf but it was withdrawn after it almost finishes. I can't remember its name but I think I have a copy of that in my pc for personal reference.

However, that will definitely make your forum buggy.

Alternatively, bridge EA with WP. There is already a working mod for that in SMF.

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #10

I'm trying to ditch the ever buggy and annoying WP. :P LOL

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #11

For me, we should let the user profile become a blog page. For that we just need to create or convert an addon so that a user can write a blog his own status, thought, etc. Have you look into Breeze?

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #12

Breeze, is made by SMF's Lead Dev.
A woman, I totally despise, for her superiority complex. LOL

Also, I highly doubt she'd let it be ported.
Not to mention, I'd like to see some improvements done to it, where not every link to a member's profile brings up the wall, but some would bring up the normal summary page. Or, find a way to combine the 2 pages.

By the way, updated the "blog" and new link to a more in depth post:

Re: Looks like a new review done on ElkArte!

Reply #13

Lol. She's ok. Her mods too. Lol.

If I'm not mistaken, the license (MPL 1.1) allows anybody to modify it and may be port it subject to the license toc.

If you are using SP, then you can re-list the message index for the blog board next to your post. The related topics mod can also do the trick of listing similar topics but it needs to be ported.