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[ADDON] OEmbed Started by forumsearch0r2 · · Read 16276 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #15

Welcome to "things I had not tested" ... :D

Turns out that it is (mostly) impossible to have an ElkArte post which only contains HTML text without any extra text. There is no obvious way to circumvent that.

I'm on it.

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #17

I haven't heard back from @emanuele yet - I asked him on the IRC about a possible solution and I am still waiting. :)
Because I - personally - don't know the internals of ElkArte well enough.

Do you happen to have an idea?

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #18

Can you not just add a &nbsp?

It’s not a pretty way I’ll give you that but it ‘should’ work. I think anyway...

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #19

I would assume that " " would appear as plain text in the posting...

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #20

It should appear as a space, I would of thought?

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #21

No, that does not work -   seems to be counted as "no text" by ElkArte's emptiness parser.

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #22

You could try
Code: [Select]
that may not strip out

Oh .. in addition to curl you should check for xml_parser_create ... see the Ubuntu note here
Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 08:16:56 pm by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #23

It does not, indeed. Thank you. (Now this is an ugly workaround... I'd like to request a plug-in hook to allow empty messages, please?)
I updated the add-on to version 1.0.4, reflecting changes that worked in my test installation. :)

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #25

So long as php is properly installed, an ubuntu server should work just fine as any others. :P

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #26

@forumsearch0r2 So i can download the addon again from first post and use it?

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #27

Uhm... probably.

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #28

@forumsearch0r2 i asked that assuming you have updated the addon. If not no use in downloading it again.

Re: [ADDON] OEmbed

Reply #29

I did - to 1.0.5. :)
I forgot to update the change log though.