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[Project] Simple Gallery Started by Jorin · · Read 9349 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[Project] Simple Gallery

What I am really missing is a simple, fast, elegant gallery for ElkArte. It would be great to have one. I lack of programming skills, but I am great in design and building an UI. So the question is:

Is there a guy (or maybe two, or perhaps a girl) who wants to start this project with me, creating the first and of course the best free gallery for ElkArte?
Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 03:35:43 am by Jorin
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Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #1

Would love to help... but I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with everything... :-\
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Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #2

Indeed this is something that would really benefit the project!

All of the ones (current gallery's) that one could start with and "port" have special licenses so can't really be used.  Then again starting off fresh with a basic gallery system may be less work than porting something existing.

Perhaps starting off with an outline of the functionality you would like in the system would help to scope the initial project?


Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #3

Quote from: Spuds – Perhaps starting off with an outline of the functionality you would like in the system would help to scope the initial project?
Good idea. nods
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Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #4

Quote from: Spuds – Perhaps starting off with an outline of the functionality you would like in the system would help to scope the initial project?

Yes, good idea. Here are some quick thoughts of my own, ready to be discussed.

I think the gallery should be easy to use. A whole variety of users of all ages and education will (I hope so) use the gallery and the most of the existing galleries are way to complicated and overloaded with functions and settings. Keep it simple, clean, easy to administrate and use should be the motto. And use a modern looking UI which makes the use fast and self-explanatory.


- Own page in admin center under configuration - mod settings.
- Simple and easy to understand settings: enable/disable gallery; allowed file types; max. width and height; max. filesize; max. gallery upload folder size. Maybe width and height of thumbnails?
- Maintenance: delete files older than x days; delete all files with file type x; delete all files bigger than x; and a combination of all three.
- Keep permissions for usergroups even simple: is allowed to browse the gallery (including download files, like files, order/search the gallery, etc.); is allowed to upload files to the gallery.
- Permissions: which user group can moderate the gallery (move files and delete them) .


- Possibility to create a folder structure.
- Index page with folders and a small list of the latest files.
- Clicking on a file should open the original size. Also each file should have a detail page with: file name; description; file type; file size; file height and width; author; date of upload; file date; link to detail page (possibility to copy it into posts). Maybe EXIF data? Maybe possibility for users to mark a file of his own and show it in his profile?
- Files can be liked. Not sure if it really needs a comment system. Files should be discussed in the board, not in the gallery.
- Upload single files or mass upload.
- Download single files or mass download.
- User profile should show the latest files added to the gallery.
- Possibility to order files or to search within the gallery: size, type, date, author, etc.

Did I miss something? Maybe a tag system? Or will this be too much (keep it simple!)?

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #5

That is a great idea @Jorin . Awesome ...

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #6

A while ago, I wrote a very simple gallery for SMF, in fact it was build thinking already at ElkArte.
It is very simple, it uses an "hidden" board, each topic is an image, the first message acts as description of the image, while the replies are the comments.
There are categories, but without hierarchy, just one level[1].
It required few "tricks", mainly for the linking [2].
Massupload was not implemented.

After I finished it I've been a bit unsure about publishing and/or even continue the development (in fact it's about a year I do not touch that code), mainly because I felt it was too much integrated into the forum... I mean that for example "comments" to images were appearing into the "new posts" and "unread replies", that could or could not be a wanted feature.

Being closely integrated into the forum makes anything available to the forum (likes, quoting, moderation, etc.) available on the gallery as well. And again that could be a plus or a minus depending on how the owner want to use the gallery.

From time to time I think I spend too much time thinking... lol
I'm usually bad at building hierarchical structures...
I wanted to reuse as much as possible existing code, so I had to abuse stuff like $scripturl and $boardurl.
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Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #7

Seems no one wants to work on that. :( :'(

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #8

I  would like to, just need to find time, some time, any time  :'(

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #9

We do need a gallery in our forums... :(

It could be something very simple, but there should be one

What is about the gallery emanuele wrote for SMF? It sounds good to me.

Maybe this gallery can be changed to work with ElkArte? I don't know anything about this stuff, but maybe it would be less work, than building a new gallery? Maybe this could be a first possibility to have any gallery?

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #10

I don't like the idea of gallery folders made by invisible threads and images made with invisible posts. :-X

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #11

It's on the todo list... but as usual it's a looooooong list. lol
Yes, convert it should be pretty straightforward (I built it originally thinking at ElkArte) I have first to finish another thing I'm doing, and then I can start having a look at it. ;)
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Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #12

Quote from: emanuele – ... I have first to finish another thing I'm doing, and then I can start having a look at it. ;)

Is it finished, the other thing?  ;)

Yesterday a good friend of mine asked me if I could help her with creating a community for a group of photographers. We thought about a forum or a blog software. But without a gallery ElkArte has no chance.  :(

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #13

A forum is a forum is a forum  ........
Most admins are happy with the offered. Is it not enough to place all pictures in posting and enjoying the slideshow in cooperation with FancyBox?
If not you need something like coppermine I think. Well ... maybe someone have pity and write an addon. However, demand regulates supply. This being the case, nothing will come of it.

Re: [Project] Simple Gallery

Reply #14

Quote from: NetFlag – Is it not enough to place all pictures in posting and enjoying the slideshow in cooperation with FancyBox?

Oh, I missed this addon! Seems to fit. Thank you very much! What they need too is a way to show EXIF informations. Maybe there's a possibility too?