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[ADDON] SimplePortal Started by Spuds · · Read 335510 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #75

I updated the package again: just get the latest.  If fixes a couple of the issues that were reported:

1) video embed not working in board news blocks (and board selection was broken in the block)
2) BBC codes were not working in the shoutbox
3) old bbc images were used in the shoutbox
4) ignored users were still shown in the shoutbox
5) HR's had to much padding in the portal
6) pagination was not working in board news block
7) "other"

You can uninstall and reinstall with the new package or replace the following files with the new ones if you like
portal.css, Portal.subs.php, PortalBlocks.subs.php, portal.js, PortalShoutbox.template.php

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #77

I cannot download this one:   201.1 KB   spuds_   3   4 hours ago

It says Error 404

This one is just the update?

QuoteDownload repository   4.7 MB
Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 01:13:16 pm by Ruth

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #79

Something is wrong. Please check the install at

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #80

There seems to be a typo committed in porting one of the latest fixes:


Code: (Find) [Select]
 WHERE {query_see_board}
 AND ' . (empty($board) ? 't.id_first_msg >= {int:min_msg_id}' : 't.id_board IN ({array_int:current_board})') . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? '
 AND t.id_first_msg >= {int:min_msg_id}' : 't.id_board IN ({array_int:current_board})') . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? '
 AND t.approved = {int:is_approved}' : '') . '
 AND (t.locked != {int:locked} OR m.icon != {string:icon})

Code: (Replace) [Select]
 WHERE {query_see_board}
 AND ' . (empty($board) ? 't.id_first_msg >= {int:min_msg_id}' : 't.id_board IN ({array_int:current_board})') . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? '
 AND t.approved = {int:is_approved}' : '') . '
 AND (t.locked != {int:locked} OR m.icon != {string:icon})

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #81

Thanks for finding that, I added the new line but left the old one too  :-X
Quote from: meetdilip – Something is wrong. Please check the install at
@meetdilip I updated the download package, but all you need to do is replace the PortalBlocks.subs.php with the new one.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #83

ElkArte 1.0 | SimplePortal 2.4

A bit of an issue. I want to use Simple Portal but without a front page so I selected the settings in the attached image #1:

QuoteIntegration: This will disable the portal page. Blocks are only usable in forum.

and now all I see of my forum is what you see in attached image #2. None of the menu buttons work. Clicking any of them just reloads the page shown in attachment #2. Is there a way to disable the portal via phpmyadmin when you can't get to the admin settings?

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #84

Adding ?debug to your site URL should load the site without SimplePortal. Example:

Code: [Select]

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #85

I didn't know that one about SP! Cool!
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #86

QuoteA bit of an issue. I want to use Simple Portal but without a front page so I selected the settings in the attached image #1:
Thanks for the report, I'll take a look in a bit.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #87

Quote from: [SiNaN] – Adding ?debug to your site URL should load the site without SimplePortal. Example:

Code: [Select]

Whew...thank you! I was able to get back into the package manager and uninstall.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #88

Quote from: Spuds –
QuoteA bit of an issue. I want to use Simple Portal but without a front page so I selected the settings in the attached image #1:
Thanks for the report, I'll take a look in a bit.

I got it uninstalled and deleted the data as well but now if I re-install I get the same thing. Before when I originally installed it, it was working with the front page. Now it is not.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #89

That is because you uninstalled the package before switching off the function previously.
The "correct" way was to add the ?debug, go to the SP configuration page, disabled the integration and uninstall SP. This because settings in the settings table are usually not deleted by addons (because in 90% of the cases this is the intended behaviour, for example because the addon is unistalled as part of an upgrade of the addon itself).

Now if you are trying to install again SP, you should repeat the "?debug" trick suggested by [SiNaN], the go to admin > simple portal > configuration > general and change the portal mode from "integration" to something else. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.