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Maximum time after posting to allow edit additional option Started by gevv · · Read 1819 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Maximum time after posting to allow edit additional option

Hello there,

Feature "Maximum time after posting to allow edit" can be improved. Wouldn't it be better?


after the set time, post editing will be delayed for moderation. If the box is not checked, editing will not be possible
sorry for my bad english

Re: Maximum time after posting to allow edit additional option

Reply #1

That makes a certain amount of sense, for some use cases.

Back when I had to deal with this sort of thing we used a secondary member group that had no editing permissions. If a member was abusing edits we took away their ability to edit anything. Everyone else had no restrictions on edit time. That works too. :)
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Re: Maximum time after posting to allow edit additional option

Reply #2

There is also a suggestion, if I recall correctly, to create a post edit history, that can be used to check any abuse or misuse, which is also good.

Re: Maximum time after posting to allow edit additional option

Reply #3

Yep, let's say is not a first time request.
The main doubt I have is "how" the post (or the topic) should appear when edited and under moderation.
I mean: when you have post moderation on, the post is not visible, so I would expect the post to disappear when edited? That would be a little "odd" to people reading the topic I guess: one moment they see the post, then it disappears, then it appears again. Puzzling.
Similar with topics: a user start a topic in a moderated board, the topic is not visible, it gets approved, people answer, then at some point the OP edits the first message and... the topic disappears from the board. Then it reappears.

Would that be the behaviour?
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