Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #1 –
I've already got it on mobile anywayz with my guinea pig. You do wotcha like.
However, I can tell you that more and more people expect the full shizzle on mobile too. If they don't get it, they grumble. That's why (for the site I run) I had to make a mobile theme that has everything (including shoutbox).
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #2 –
While I'm thinking of it, IMO what's really needed is not a "mobile theme" in the traditional (hey) sense, but more of a "touchscreen theme" that can adapt layout to suit phone or tablet. Just thinking in terms of phone or desktop doesn't really make sense any more.
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #3 –
I agree to a certain extent. Yes our theme would be best if it handled both mobile/desktop without problems. But I think a mobile only theme is very necessary, in particular because of how much is getting output in a regular theme. The mobile theme will cut down on a quite a lot of extra markup that gets removed because it doesn't need to be displayed. CSS and Javascript will be compressed by default with less CSS and javascript files to load as well.
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #5 –
As far as post moderation, I only meant that there wasn't any approval of posts type of moderation put into it. Lock/sticky/remove etc are definitely needed.
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #7 –
Theme-wise the different modes are basically the same...they just differ for few buttons and the text in the bar... the one at a time is the only one a bit different.
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #8 –
I discovered that after getting a little more deep into ema. I think both of the modes may work, just need to work on it a bit more. Have been too busy the last couple of weeks. I think it's getting pretty close though.
Re: PM features in mobilz?
Reply #14 –
Use the login forever toggle on the login page, I like that.