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Responsive Image Started by anagnam · · Read 5574 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Responsive Image

Hi devs,

Can you please show me where in the template I can edit to add or override the CSS for the image attachment so I can make them responsive. Currently its ok in the desktop version, but in ipad or iphone, the image is not responsive. I know a little bit of CSS but I dont know where in the template I need to edit it.

many thanks for your help in advance  :)

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #2

@wintstar  I already know how make a responsive image. I just want to know where in the template I need to put the markup so the images become responsive like the template itself.

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #4

@radu81 tried it but didnt work. I use @Spuds inline attachment addons though.

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #5

it works for me, I also use the addon Inline images. You can see it here, in the first post there are two images inserted with attachimg tag, there is no need to login:
I don't remember if I also did some css modifications, but you can use Chrome inspector or firebug

I think I found it, have a look at this post ;)

sorry for my bad english

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #6

@radu81 @TE solution didnt work for me so I modified index.template to add custom CSS instead. now everything is working fine.

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #7

Feel free to share your findings, and maybe put them in the forum of a tutorial, this will help other people with the same problem. ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #8

I have a test forum, it was migrated from SMF to Elkarte 1.0.4 and now to 1.0.7
I have the same problem, I solved editing ILA.subs and Subs.php as suggested here:

I don't know if this is related to ILA addon but I see that in Elkarte 1.1 version is solved and works  fine. Is this a bug into 1.0.7 or is just my forum that is not working (I admit is not a clean install and probably I did something wrong)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Responsive Image

Reply #9

Quote from: anagnam – @radu81 @TE solution didnt work for me so I modified index.template to add custom CSS instead. now everything is working fine.
Actually, you do not have to modify any template to add custom css, as you just need to add the said custom css in css folder.