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Double Post for no apparent reason... Started by niloc · · Read 3995 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Double Post for no apparent reason...

So here's the thing..

For every 3rd or so post, especially when using Quick Reply, the forum will post it up twice.

There are some members, who made 30 over topics of the same exact thing, because she was "Previewing" her topic multiple times, and it kept posting, every single time she previewed her long article.

So yeah, recently these problems happened. Anyone has any suggestions on where to even begin to find the source of all these problems?

Facta, non verba.

Re: Double Post for no apparent reason...

Reply #1

I seem to remember this in B1, should be fixed somewhere in B2, but don't ask me the commit...
If you want, just grab the whole repo (clone or download green button on the left), unzip and upload the relevant files (i.e. the php in the root plus sources and themes).

Remember you are using a beta version, so it's bound to have bugs, even relevant ones. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Double Post for no apparent reason...

Reply #2

I can't really do that, because my current files have various modifications here and that (mostly cosmetics). T.T

Anyhow, I've narrowed down the problem... to....... AUTO DRAFT SAVES!!!

So when Autosaves are enabled, and set at 30 seconds, then everytime the seconds pass in that particular topic, they will blast out the saves replies.

So in this case, when I wait for 2 minutes, and then click post, they will post up 4 replies, but the replies are like this:

Reply 1:
Hello people, w

Reply 2:
Hello people, we are the universe of

Reply 3:
Hello people, we are the universe of the galaxy.

- the sentence breaks are the 30 seconds of wait I made before typing more, before posting.

Hmm..... interesting........
Need to figure out where and how autosave works to narrow down the problem.......
Facta, non verba.

Re: Double Post for no apparent reason...

Reply #3

Quote from: niloc – I can't really do that, because my current files have various modifications here and that (mostly cosmetics). T.T
That is very, very discouraged.

1) If you want to modify something theme-wise, the best way is create a new theme and do the modifications there (it's not written down, but considering that beta-to-beta updates are "overwrite everything with the new package", have the theme somewhere else it's just a good thing),
2) If you want to modify "source" files, then you should really try to write addons as much as possible, in order to avoid any file edit. And if that is not possible you should either ask if new hooks/triggers can be added before going forward doing the changes.
3) It's not a stable version, so updates are "upload and overwrite everything", so any change is lost during that process.
4) Since 1.1 is a beta, it's really worth do the updates.

Yes, I know, it's not written anywhere, it's just a matter of common sense, but for that reason I can help you identifying the changes, and move them as much as possible to addons or a new theme.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Double Post for no apparent reason...

Reply #4

Yeah.. I do know that.. :'(

I try to do as much as I can using the CSS and theme files..

But as for add ons, I am not sure how to create a "package" add on thingy... :( :( :( let alone hooks and what not.

I get the concept of how it works.. but I am not sure how to go about creating it.

Anyone mind coming up with a post on a conceptual / overview of the step-by-step creation of a simple package / mod / etc? Would be much appreciated. :)
Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 01:08:50 am by niloc
Facta, non verba.