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Verbosity telling the title of the topic Started by forumsearch0r · · Read 14580 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Verbosity telling the title of the topic

I'll leave this one uncommented:

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #1

LOL ... pretty funny when you see it like that, no idea which we could/should remove to clean it up, maybe the linktree?

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #2

Maybe it would be a good start to remove the topic title from the single postings as long as it's not different. As ElkArte (sadly) does not feature a threaded mode (please say "yet"!), it has no real advantage here. It's shortened anyway.

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #3

^^ This.

Quote from: forumsearch0r – Maybe it would be a good start to remove the topic title from the single postings as long as it's not different. As ElkArte (sadly) does not feature a threaded mode (please say "yet"!), it has no real advantage here. It's shortened anyway.
Actually it has a reason: if you have 20 tabs open on 20 different topics all (or most) of them in the middle of the page (for example because you opened a #new) the subject next to the message is the only way to know where you are (and no, the browser title doesn't count, because the size of the tabs is usually not even enough for the favicon. :P )
Though, I have to admit I'd be happy with an hovering effect as well on the message, but too many hovering are not always welcome.

Re threads: never liked the threaded presentation, but I wouldn't be against merging if implemented. 8)
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Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #5

Although it looks like there is some overkill, I think in a natural context all those titles don't stand out that much and each serve a purpose.

Quote from: emanuele – Actually it has a reason: if you have 20 tabs open on 20 different topics all (or most) of them in the middle of the page (for example because you opened a #new) the subject next to the message is the only way to know where you are (and no, the browser title doesn't count, because the size of the tabs is usually not even enough for the favicon. :P )
Though, I have to admit I'd be happy with an hovering effect as well on the message, but too many hovering are not always welcome.

I'm a heavy user of #new links, so I find those titles indispensable to figure out what I'm reading. I actually had a hard time getting used to it standing out less in the right corner here.

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #6

I know this is an old topic but I have to agree that the title on the right doesn't seem right. D

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #7

Regarding the one on the right, maybe a compromise: the necessary changes to the markup (just a couple) and then something like this:
Code: [Select]
.post_subject {
visibility: hidden;
#new:target .post_subject, .post_wrapper:hover .post_subject {
visibility: visible;
Almost everybody happy! :P
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Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #8

Are we saying

1) swap the subject and reply# above the post, so reply # is on the right and subject is on the left
2) hide the subject by default and only show it if you navigated via #new or hover (I guess in the subject area)

I still think the link tree / breadcrumbs ending in a link that is essentially a link to the page you are on is a bit over the top.

Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #9

Quote from: Spuds – 2) hide the subject by default and only show it if you navigated via #new or hover (I guess in the subject area)
^^ This.

Quote from: Spuds – I still think the link tree / breadcrumbs ending in a link that is essentially a link to the page you are on is a bit over the top.
^^ And this. nods (Actually, this is valid for any page, not just the topic.)
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Re: Verbosity telling the title of the topic

Reply #10

Quote from: Spuds – I still think the link tree / breadcrumbs ending in a link that is essentially a link to the page you are on is a bit over the top.
Perhaps making it a link is a bit over the top, but it's not going to hurt anyone one way or the other when it is clickable. But I rather like its visual presence compared to its absence in, say, phpBB. I feel disoriented there because it doesn't tell me "Theme development" is up one from "Verbosity blablabla". Basically it forces me to know "Theme development" is a subforum of "Elk Development," which isn't very inviting. Otherwise if you don't frequent a forum sufficiently much you just kind of wonder what the purpose of those random-looking links at the bottom is.

Per-post titles I don't really care about one way or the other. Never much saw the point myself.