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Email notification sends incorrect message Started by badmonkey · · Read 2834 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Email notification sends incorrect message

1.1 RC1.  When receiving email notifications of Likes, the message states the member added you as a buddy rather than the member Liked your message.  

Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #1

hmm... are you getting it here?
What notification frequency do you have? (Daily or weekly?)
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Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #2

Haven't configured notifications here.  May try that.  The errant message is with instant notification.   ;)

Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #3

Would you mind trying with the most recent code?
It may have been fixed in between RC1 and the currently almost RC2.

You can just take the github download extract it and replace your the sources directory. It would be best to replace also themes. and everything (just in case), though you may miss some of the most recent fixes you reported here and that you fixed by hands (I'm not sure if they have been already integrated).
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Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #4

It is the most recent code, sans about a 10 days or so.   ;)

Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #6

Thanks eman!  You da man!   8)

Re: Email notification sends incorrect message

Reply #7

Actually, it was a bit more bugged than I thought. Discarded the previous fix and created:
should be better, but I may be missing something obvious again.
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