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CNVE: Create New Variant Easily Started by ahrasis · · Read 7776 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

- For ElkArte 1.0x and 1.1x
- Manual modifications.

1. Please do your own backup though every installation is backed up automatically.
2. By default, new variant has to be created manually by copying and adding it to CSSDIR.
3. Forum admins also have to manually edit default index.template.php to add it there as well.
4. This addon allows admins to do it via admin panel instead.
5. Since custom.css is not available in default variants, this will create the file as well.

Thank you for using/testing it.

Yours friendly,
Abu Fahim Ismail.

BSD License. Feel free to modify accordingly but keep original and current authors' link(s) if it is in there somewhere. ;)


#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.2
- Fix custom.css to custom_newvar.css.

@Version 1.0.1
- Add creation of custom.css.

@Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #1

Just tested on 1.1 RC2 and does what it says. Thanks for this addon
sorry for my bad english

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #2

Great. As posted in the topic I opened elsewhere, I might add the creation of custom.css for the new variant automatically via this addon. So you might actually be able to immediately use the ElkArte theme editor to customize the new variant after it is created.

I will release this new version once I have it tested and packed.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #3

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.1
- Add creation of custom.css.

I merely added this code into the addon:
Code: [Select]
$custom_css = fopen($theme_dir . '/custom.css', 'w');

Do report if it is not working as intended for you.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #4

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.2
- Fix custom.css to custom_newvar.css.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #5

There is an error if one tries to install this addon on EA 1.1.4. I'll update this later, if I can remember about it.

Edited: It was actually the experimental version 1.0.3 that cannot be installed. Not the one in the OP (version 1.0.2) as that works fine. ;D

Experimental version 1.0.3 is not shared in here but it was mainly an attempt to create new variant for theme other than default; and an added ability to delete the created new variant.

The experiment failed and I haven't attempted to fix it until now.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #6

I'll remember you, because I'm using elkarte 1.1.5 and I'm trying to create an new / other variant of the theme.

Re: CNVE: Create New Variant Easily

Reply #7

Aah... Thanks for reminding. I'll check it out now.

Edited: My bad. The package (1.0.2) installation worked fine on ElkArte version 1.1.5. The creation of the new variant on default theme also work just fine.