I know definition lists are nice, but... heck are a pita to deal with in javascript!
You always need two ids or rely on parent and then prev/next, I'm not a javascript expert, but I don't like that much either solutions.
What do you think about get rid of them at least in the admin panel in 1.1?
It would be cool if each pair setting/description was contained into a single container, something like:
<div class="setting" id="this_setting_box">
<label for="this_setting" class="definition">This setting is</label>
<span class="value"><input id="this_setting" name="this_setting" /></span>
Dunno if it make sense in terms of styling, semantics, accessibility, etc., ence the question/proposal
Also, it would help in other ways: easier error/success handling (at the moment we don't have it, but I'd like to have something for 1.1, and with that it would be enough a single class on the container), it would allow to use the target selector to highlight settings when using the search, maybe something else.