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Add prefixfree Started by forumsearch0r · · Read 10541 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Add prefixfree

As my Firefox error console dislikes the amount of not officially supported CSS3 extensions here, you might want to integrate prefixfree or something.

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #1

Well I'm personally a big fan of prefix-free, even used on my personal online portfolio.

I've proposed this to SMF team as well, and most of the team members turned this down, as it's a 3rd party api/lib/code. Lol, what is jQuery then?

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #2

With the additional joke that prefixfree is easy to maintain, while jQuery is not.

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #3

Had not heard of it before,  interesting idea. 

Seems like the main benefit is it lets us just write "compliant" css, or mostly so thats good for maintenance (less tags to remove as time goes on).  Only negative I see is that the page may render and the render some areas again as the JS get loaded and run.  Certainly something to consider.

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #4

Quote from: Spuds – Only negative I see is that the page may render and the render some areas again as the JS get loaded and run.

This would be a valid negative if ElkArte wouldn't already use several KiB of JavaScript...

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #5

I'd have used that one if I hadn't already built a better replacement (which, granted, requires some tech watch now and then, but at least it avoids any kind of FOUC). I liked it so much, there's even a line of code by me in it.. ;) (the simplified algorithm for converting between old and new rotation schemes in linear gradients. I didn't do a pull request for that as i wasn't good at git at the time, but my discussion can still be found over at github. Yeah, I'm proud -- and shallow! I can do no better in my life.)

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #6

I'd push this (just found the "hyphens" warning in my console here).

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #7

The minified version is about 2k, we are (apparently) serving 30k for jQuery and 30k for the combined top.

I suspect these prefixes are not meant to be removed "soon", right?
On the other hand, I suspect the js could be loaded only if the browser need it.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Add prefixfree

Reply #8

Well, as it is now, the error console throws some errors (related to the "hyphens" tag).