RC 1 Feedback
I don't guarantee that these topics are in order or are exhaustive. I'm still combing through admin settings and features, but here's some feedback I have so far. If you need any clarification, ask and I'll provide it.
Enable unwatching of topics
Why would you want to disable the ability to UNwatch a topic? I would understand disabling the ability to watch a topic to begin with, but to stop watching it? Huh? Are you crazy?
Personal Messages
It's nice that there's some more options for PMs, but please tell me those permissions affect the general group permissions, too. checks Oh, okay, they do. This feels a bit silly, but okay. Repetition is silly, but it's not yet stupid. Carry on.
Features and Options Menu vs Buttons
The order of Mentions and Signatures is reversed in the Buttons and the (drop-down) Menus.
Post-Group Permissions
Don't list these groups on the Permissions page if the Modify button goes to the Membergroup Modify page. It's unituitive and makes me think something is wrong.
PHP Info in Server Settings
Whoever had this brilliant idea (even if you didn't, take credit for it anyway) deserves a gold star. 'Bout damn time someone put this in.
Bad Behavior
Put the Bad Behavior explanation in a blue header similar to the Moderation (User Warning System explanation). I didn't know what it was, and it took me a while to find it, I wasn't expecting it in the Security & Moderation header.
Theme Settings
Nobody really touched this page, except to add in jQuery. I'm really sad, this is one admin-facing tool that could really use some help.
Current Theme
In the admin drop down menu, Theme Management is highlighed for this page, instead of Current Theme. Shouldn't be hard to detect the right page.
Nice idea, something that a few boards could use. Another brilliant thought.
Integration Hooks
Not sure how you did it, but upgrading from an SMF board that had the Wrap Text Around Image mod installed (a BBC float button), Elk was able to automatically import that BBC button. That's damn good.
Re: RC 1 Feedback
Reply #3 –
Avatars on Board Index
I can't find an obvious setting to turn this off, either in Core Features, Features and Options (Layout), Current Theme settings or my personal Look and Layout preferences.
Re: RC 1 Feedback
Reply #4 –
Avatar on BI are "theme-specific", in the sense that is the theme from the template_init function that controls them, not a real setting.