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ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes Started by emanuele · · Read 19529 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #15

Is this ready yet?

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #16

I'd say its close, very close  :D

There are a few more things that need to be tested / re checked.  I also need to run the install scripts again, there was the report about not informing the user that we require the mysqli interface and I want to make sure that is in place.  Couple of other old things on my list that should be cleaned up as well, I did a bunch of those over the last couple of days so just need to review that again.

emanuele and TE probably have their list of things to check as well.

We recently update the site to the latest,  we like to run the site on the candidates for a few days to make sure there are no obvious issues that crop up.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #17

already behind schedule ... posts say march and april and we now in may .... terrible ... I think I may go use mybb :P

 TrayBake runs before he gets lynched
Bryan Deakin
Former Project Manager/Customiser/Marketing @ SMF

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #18

Quote from: TrayBake – already behind schedule ... posts say march and april and we now in may .... terrible ... I think I may go use mybb :P
Patience is a virtue. MyBB is nice, but if think MyBB's release cycle is any better... not really.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #19

Mybb release schedule is horrible, just being honest. Not too mention all the mods you would need to just get to where Elkarte is at now.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #20

Quote from: TrayBake – already behind schedule ... posts say march and april and we now in may .... terrible ... I think I may go use mybb :P
 emanuele kicks TrayBake

Well, actually Elk is already way behind schedule LOL
The original idea was March last year, then we had a peak of activity, Norv started moving things all over the place, and after that another round of refactoring started and took almost the entire summer to finish.
Once beta was set the core has received only bug fixes (and few tweaks), but at some point there must be a release.

It's sad to say, but without a 1.0 out it's impossible to track more bugs in an acceptable time, we have to accept the idea that 1.0 will be buggy and will require some quick round of fixes. And also that it will not be perfect.
The important part will be to stay on top of the bug reports and fix them as fast as possible (and without introducing new ones LOL).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #21

What, Wait, we had a schedule :P ...

Oh that right we did, but what we did not have was a fully understood scope of work, so we just went nuts!  Yeah it had to be done but once you open up that can of worms with the needed refactoring, well you become a one legged man in an a s s kicking contest.

QuoteIt's sad to say, but without a 1.0 out it's impossible to track more bugs in an acceptable time, we have to accept the idea that 1.0 will be buggy and will require some quick round of fixes. And also that it will not be perfect.
The important part will be to stay on top of the bug reports and fix them as fast as possible (and without introducing new ones LOL).
Well there is no such thing as bug free code.  Look at all the ones that were fixed in Elk that were present in SMF, some of those had been there for 8+years, its just the nature of the beast,  with may hands working on a project, and a large project as well, bugs are inevitable.

I do think some of the automated tests we put in place have helped improve the overall quality,  the issues uncovered from those programs was pretty impressive.

Anyway to your point our bug discovery (vs enhancements) has slowed quite a bit so we need to continue on the release path as that will also increase usage and therefor test coverage under more configurations etc.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #22

Quote from: emanuele –
It's sad to say, but without a 1.0 out it's impossible to track more bugs in an acceptable time, we have to accept the idea that 1.0 will be buggy and will require some quick round of fixes. And also that it will not be perfect.

See the only thing perfect in the world is me :P and my ego

But I am sure you will beat the release of SMF 2.1 stable :D

TBH I just looked I cant find an official announcement about 2.1 except for blog posts :/
Bryan Deakin
Former Project Manager/Customiser/Marketing @ SMF

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #23

Quote from: TrayBake –
Quote from: emanuele –
It's sad to say, but without a 1.0 out it's impossible to track more bugs in an acceptable time, we have to accept the idea that 1.0 will be buggy and will require some quick round of fixes. And also that it will not be perfect.

See the only thing perfect in the world is me :P and my ego

But I am sure you will beat the release of SMF 2.1 stable :D

TBH I just looked I cant find an official announcement about 2.1 except for blog posts :/

I think that's all you will find, since right now it is still in Alpha.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #24

not quite true, a few months before I joined SMF Team they announced 2.0 when it was still alpha release :)
Bryan Deakin
Former Project Manager/Customiser/Marketing @ SMF

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #25

I remember that post, as for 2.1 I haven't seen any.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #26

none has been made, quite a shame really, the team over their wish to be more transparent yet they are starting to become quite opaque again.  Their loss.
Bryan Deakin
Former Project Manager/Customiser/Marketing @ SMF

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #27

I agree, I think sooner or later they will release an announcement, hoping sooner.


Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #28

Soooo...The version has been bumped in the code! O:-)
The code has been fixed here on the site, so the usual week of "real-life" testing and the it could be time for the RC release! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - release notes

Reply #29

Congrats Team :thumbsup: