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Online Manual and "Support & Credits" Started by Ruth · · Read 7467 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Online Manual and "Support & Credits"


Not sure why, but I will get an error, if I try to search in in ACP by selecting the "Online Manual":
online manual 1.jpg

The error is in /sources/admin/Admin.controller.php on line 941:
online manual error 941.jpg

This two strings in Admin.english.php on line 344 and 345 are displayed in "Support & Credits" and I think, they maybe should be edited:
Code: [Select]
$txt['support_resources_p1'] = 'Our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Documentation Wiki</a> provides the main documentation for ElkArte. The ElkArte Online Manual has many documents to help answer support questions and explain <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Features</a>, <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Settings</a>, <a href="%4$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Themes</a>, <a href="%5$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Packages</a>, etc. The Online Manual documents each area of ElkArte thoroughly and should answer most questions quickly.';
$txt['support_resources_p2'] = 'If you can\'t find the answers to your questions in the Documentation Wiki, you may want to search our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">Support Community</a> or ask for assistance in our support boards. The ElkArte Support Community can be used for <a href="%2$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">support</a>, <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" class="new_win">customization</a>, and many other things such as discussing ElkArte, finding a host, and discussing administrative issues with other forum administrators.';

All links there lead to the "main page" of ElkArte or to the wiki on github, like this one:

But i think, the several links in the first string should lead to different sections there on github? Like for example "Themes":

Not this easy to find everything on github at the moment, if you look from the first links there (and if you dont speak english). Would be better to see this directly:

Same for the second string, which is about the ElkArte Support Community. The links did lead once to the Categories on forum? But there are redirectons now, so you won't see the forum first. You will be here then:


Re: Online Manual and "Support & Credits"

Reply #1

That is mostly remnants from SMF.  The only online information we have is at the wiki and there are a few direct links to its topics from the support/credits page, but as you found many of those are dead  and/or wrong pages.   The pages I have prioritized in fixing are the ones that are linked from the Community -> Help as those are the ones a normal user may try.

Yes the theme and package links in the admin section should point to the github site, I had not noticed those were included :embarrassed:

The current problems with the wiki are
1/ its mostly incomplete, sometimes in a wave of depression I will add a page or two, but its really incomplete.
2/ github has not exposed an API that allows us to search it remotely, you have to go to the wiki to do any search.  That is why search did not work for you, its been left there in hope that someday there will be a way.