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What In God's Name Happen? Started by Xarcell · · Read 6936 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

What In God's Name Happen?

What happened to the site? This theme looks so bland...

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #1

Personally I love it.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #2

Quote from: Xarcell – What happened to the site? This theme looks so bland...
It's still the same "old" theme, just another variant ;) If you don't like you can easily switch back to the old green version:;variant=light
It may be blant (I love it, too), but it's at least clean and works pretty well on mobile phones and tablets.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #3

The problem with the theme is the UI overruns it's content. UI should almost be invisible.

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #4

I think the new variant is a good start, but it feels somewhat incomplete. I find it a little difficult to use because of the amount of white and the lack of borders. The old variant has a more stable feel to it.

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #5

There's always stuff that can be improved, but I for one think that it's a neat improvement over the previous version.
Flat design is not only 'all the rage'. It's something insanely difficult to get right (not even saying perfect) without plagiarizing some other website.

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #6

Quote from: Xarcell – The problem with the theme is the UI overruns it's content. UI should almost be invisible.
Interesting opinion.

Would you mind being a bit more precise and give a couple of examples where in the current default variant the UI is overrunning the content and in the Light variant is not?

Seriously, I'm interested. ;)
I put the same page side-by-side with the two variants and I found the UI is almost the same, it seems to me the current one has a slightly bigger font size for the messages, but apparently is just slightly larger.
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Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #7

That's the nature of design.. Whatever one builds: dark, light, plain, modern... some like/love it, others hate it or find it blunt, agressive, incomplete or whatever.. I personally never liked "Curve" nor the old "Core" theme.. My first own theme was based on the good old YabbSE theme, which I modifed to match our old phpBB layout.. It's still online  :D ( ).

btw, we're still looking for some help with a dark variant ;)
Anyone? Maybe @Xarcell ?
Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:06:17 am by TE
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #8

Dark variants are my worst nightmare...!
Wedge's is called Wolf. Well, I should say 'was' called Wolf, because it never saw the light of *day*... As can be expected ;D
Amusingly, my very, very first website (15 March 1996!) was in white on a black background. Back then, dark themes were all the rage. Most websites actually were on dark backgrounds. I can still clearly remember when people started to switch to clear themes progressively -- I thought they hurt my eyes and I was unhappy with the move.
Times, they are a changin'!

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #9

I wonder how people can use dark themes instead, I can't read more than few lines before my eyes start bleeding in pain because of the contrast...
Bugs creator.
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Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #10

Quote from: TE – That's the nature of design.. Whatever one builds: dark, light, plain, modern... some like/love it, others hate it or find it blunt, agressive, incomplete or whatever.. I personally never liked "Curve" nor the old "Core" theme.. My first own theme was based on the good old YabbSE theme, which I modifed to match our old phpBB layout.. It's still online  :D ( ).

btw, we're still looking for some help with a dark variant ;)
Anyone? Maybe @Xarcell ?

I've never been able to get Elkarte to install locally, let alone consider making a theme for it.

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #11

mhh, thought you've worked on your own fork...

it is quite simple: move Settings.php, Settings_bak,php and the installer files (install.php, install_1-0_mysql.sql) from the /install directory to the root forum folder. then it's exactly the same as with SMF.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #12

Do it Wedge-style and make the install script run from its folder ;)
It's not as easy as it sounds to apply the changes, but it makes github releases noob-friendly. Well worth the time investment!

Ema, exactly my point! ;)

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #13

Quote from: Nao – Do it Wedge-style and make the install script run from its folder ;)
It's not as easy as it sounds to apply the changes, but it makes github releases noob-friendly. Well worth the time investment!
I proposed it already somewhere.
At the moment for 1.1 my goal for installation and upgrade is to unify the scripts (I'm tired of having to upgrade the three of them every time).
Once I'm done with it, have the install into a different directory may the "next" thing. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: What In God's Name Happen?

Reply #14

Unifying scripts? Oh, you mean, MySQL/Sqlite/PGSQL? Sorry, I tend to forget that ElkArte still supports these... How can you live with that hassle? Supporting MySQL is enough work as it is... I don't get why Sqlite users and PGSQL users would even be remotely interested in installing some PHP software AND not have the decency to have some MySQL server lying around, waiting to be used...

To update the installer, just a quick note: either you go for a redirect to /install/install.php, in which case you'll have to update all URLs and paths that consider dirname(__FILE__) to be the root. The easiest is just to define a constant at the beginning where you'll just get dirname(dirname(__FILE__)). If you want to do it my way (including the install script from index.php), you can look through the Wedge codebase and get inspiration from it. What I did was add a new maintenance mode, which when set will automatically include the install script. The maintenance mode is set automatically in the original Settings.php file, and reset to 0 once the install process is done. Once I got this thought out, it was a piece of cake! ;) I'd say about an afternoon of work to implement, and an extra day to test, but that's because I pushed my luck and wrote a file that will create folders and htaccess files as needed, making for a very, very clean repo with only three folders (as you can see these days.)

Gosh, I feel like I'm talking about Wedge in every single damn post of mine. I hope no one is offended by that. It's just that when I find something I'd like to comment, usually it's because I did it similarly or differently in my own work, and I think that discussing it might put a problem under a new light. I'm all for ElkArte to succeed (and definitively crush a certain machine... ;D), and I like being able to say Elk and Wedge are two sides of the same 2-cent coin.

Just my coin!