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Online mobile testing things. Started by Antechinus · · Read 2832 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Online mobile testing things.

Just tried something out of curiosity. I never browse on mobile myself, but was curious as to what results some of the available free testing services would give. So, I ran a few tests. These were on the board index page of Elk (this site) and of the CEMB forum. I also ran a test on a basic thread page (guest view) of about the same size on both sites.

My expectation was that Elk would be faster, since it uses minified and amalgamated CSS and JS, while CEMB doesn't, so Elk should have fewer HTTP requests and less code in total. Also, CEMB is running TP as well as SMF 1.1.x*, so again Elk should be faster.

The index page of Elk loaded faster on an iPhone 5 test, but the thread page didn't. This seem weird, coz generally Elk is fast, and the "average page size" according to the tester thingy was much the same.

How come? Any ideas?

Test results for board index:

And for a thread page:

*Well ok, it's not really SMF 1.1.x and TP, not in any real sense, since both have been modified extensively.
Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 09:07:25 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P