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Easiest way to find certain strings for ElkArte translation editing ? Started by D.M. · · Read 9491 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Easiest way to find certain strings for ElkArte translation editing ?

Hello there community!

Since I am in the process of forum localization regarding the translation of certain strings (I was shocked at how many strings are missing  :huh: ) I am in need of a bit of advice/help on what would be the easiest way of finding certain strings that need to be translated, since the only way I currently understand is going through page by page and using the built in browser search function  :embarrassed:

The problem is I sometimes cant find the particular strings even if I am looking for a registration string in the registration string page, keep in mind that I do not need everything translated eg. the admin panel and backend and I would like to publish the forums as soon as possible so translating everything is still not an option even though I will be either doing that or hiring extra help for finishing that task, for starters I am ready to launch the forums with minor issues in translation that are not that obvious and having a special board where users could submit un-translated strings.

But for now I just need a bit of help getting these two strings translated, the registration page has a 'Sign up to receive important site news by email:' string which is nowhere to be found on the ->Registration string page

Also there is a string during login next to the OpenID field with a question mark supposed to open a help window which shows an error

Here are the screenshots for better refference:

Also after translating most of the strings that weren't translated what would be the correct way of submitting an improved language pack for my native language ? Does that need to go through GitHub ? I think it would be useful for future ElkArtians in their quest on building a forum, since I am already translating I mean why not contribute ?  :smiley:

Thanks in advance!

Re: Easiest way to find certain strings for ElkArte translation editing ?

Reply #1

There are several language packs available (abet in various levels of completion)  and transifex is the tool used to do the translations and from there updates are packaged nightly.  I'm not sure if that offers a search function on the strings.

If you can't find a specific string, be sure to look in the index.english.php file (of course this will be index.yourLanguage.php) as that file contains common words that are used in various other stings (concatenation and sometimes proper plural usage) Not saying that is a great thing, just noting that is what was done in a few places.


Re: Easiest way to find certain strings for ElkArte translation editing ?

Reply #2

Quote from: Spuds – There are several language packs available (abet in various levels of completion)  and transifex is the tool used to do the translations and from there updates are packaged nightly.  I'm not sure if that offers a search function on the strings.

If you can't find a specific string, be sure to look in the index.english.php file (of course this will be index.yourLanguage.php) as that file contains common words that are used in various other stings (concatenation and sometimes proper plural usage) Not saying that is a great thing, just noting that is what was done in a few places.

Perfect ! Thank you very much @Spuds !