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Registering New Member auto fills Admin data Started by AaronB · · Read 8057 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Logged in as Admin, site is in Maintenance Mode.

Go to do an Admin registration for a new member and some of the Admin data is auto filled. See attachment.

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #1

Have to look but first guess is that we are missing a couple of autocomplete="off" statements in that form.

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #2

Latest Chrome doesn't respect autocomplete="off" anyway.. :|

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #3

Arg ... and I see IE11 will ignore it on password fields as well, preferring to use its internal smarts.  

I'll add it to the form as a start which will help with some browsers.  Past that, don't know, randomize the input name or some JS to try and prevent it.

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #4

Yep, I read the same about Chrome and Safari: they are going to ignore autocomplete=off[1]I'd guess some javascript to cleanup the forms that need to be empty on $(document).ready.
that TBH is a very good thing, I want to decide if save or not the data, non of your business, yes it could be used properly, but it has been used in stupid ways. :P
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Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #5

Here is an attempt:

We already had some JS to add "autocomplete off"  in profile.js

I've moved that to script_elk.js since we may need it in a few more places.  I also updated it to use JQuery.  In addition to adding the autocomplete=off I added in a .val('') to empty anything it may have been added.  No idea if that will work or not or if its even a good idea.  At least its a central function to work on/with for this issue.

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #6

Chrome is still loading the data... apparently they are added (by chrome), removed (by Elk), and then added again. >_<

I tried with a timed out call like that:
Code: [Select]
 * Attempt to prevent browsers from auto completing fields when viewing/editing other members profiles
 * or when register new member
function disableAutoComplete()
if (document.addEventListener)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", delay_disableAutoCompleteNow, false);

function delay_disableAutoCompleteNow()
setTimeout(function() {disableAutoCompleteNow();}, 100);
 * Once DOMContentLoaded is triggered, find text and password fields in the forms
 * turn autocomplete off and sempty the value.
function disableAutoCompleteNow()
$("input[type=text]").attr("autocomplete", "off").val('');
$("input[type=email]").attr("autocomplete", "off").val('');
$("input[type=password]").attr("autocomplete", "off").val('');
it works, but is really a bit odd... :-\
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Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #7

Well at least you found something that works.   I have not tried this: but maybe that would work as well?

Only other thing that I can think of is the random name thing on the field like done in auto suggest (I think).

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #8

Nice finding! :D
That looks rather neat.
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Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #9

Hey @Spuds

Give this a try

Code: [Select]
        $(this).attr(‘autocomplete’, ‘off’);

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #10

Nope, already tried, doesn't work.
Chrome re-adds the user and password even if you remove them on document.ready.
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Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #11

Funny how we get this nice new feature in html5 only to have the browsers know better :P

Could try it as a load event, that should occur after dom ready  ... so thats as late in the process as possible I think, may negate the need for the delay?  Have not had a chance to try the honeypot approach in that blog, so if someone has time to give that a shot, please do, I'm stilling fidgeting with the darn linktree !

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #12

Quote from: emanuele – Nope, already tried, doesn't work.
Chrome re-adds the user and password even if you remove them on document.ready.
Forgot the basics of ready and onload :-X. Joker is getting old :D

Quote from: Spuds – Funny how we get this nice new feature in html5 only to have the browsers know better :P

Could try it as a load event, that should occur after dom ready  ... so thats as late in the process as possible I think, may negate the need for the delay?  Have not had a chance to try the honeypot approach in that blog, so if someone has time to give that a shot, please do, I'm stilling fidgeting with the darn linktree !
Yup, tried the honeypot thing and it worked well with latest chrome (35.0.1916.153) on mac. But being a JS fan I wrote another snippet and the autocomplete issue got fixed with that too. Which approach seems better?

Code: [Select]
window.onload = function() {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") >= 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".input_text").val(" ").val("");
$(".input_password").val(" ").val("");
}, 1);

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #13

Coolness ...

The honeypot is good for some cases, when you add it anything below that point will not autofill so its not very selective or you have to arrange your form just right.  On the plus side it will work with JS off, so for some that could be a plus.

We should really just add that timeout function for all browsers, its not going to hurt anything and allows us to call it as needed for more specific targeting.

Re: Registering New Member auto fills Admin data

Reply #14

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