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OpenImporter Started by emanuele · · Read 74660 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #195

Memo for the dev version: there is a bug that makes it impossible to convert "big" forums (i.e. those that require breaks). It doesn't start the query at the correct "substep", in other words the query doesn't respect the starting point of the previous one causing duplicate keys errors.
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #196

I've almost fixed the above issue, there is a small technical problem, that is actually the result of some other inconsistencies that should be properly fixed, so... some more work to do. lol
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #197

Quote from: radu81 – There is another issue: the category boards were not imported, I have all my boards into one category named "General Category"
is there any new version of open importer? I tried the version from page 12 of this topic but category boards were not imported

I just tried this
and seems that the went fine ;)
Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 11:26:00 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #198

Did you try the one in the first page?
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #199

Yes but I've got an error during conversion. Seems that the one I linked worked fine. I need to do more tests to confirm that
sorry for my bad english

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #200

Hm, are there any news regarding phpBB 3.0.x?
(Post 1: no phpBB, GitHub development-version: blank page)

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #201

I have been fixing the code design, and lost sight of any other issue... O:-)

The "master" version should be working reasonably fine with phpBB 3 as far as I remember. ;D
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #202

Unfortunately not, otherwise I would already use ElkArte ;)

master (from both GitHub-Repos):
Code: [Select]
error_message Array to string conversion
error_trace Array to string conversion
error_line 305
error_file /var/www/virtual/xxxxx/openimporter-master/importer/OpenImporter/ImportManager.php

empty page

File from first post:
No PhpBB available to choose

Server system: PHP 5.6, Apache 2.2.15, CentOS 6.7

Where do you hide the working version? ;D

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #204

Hello, I'm new here, 
after trying in vain hundreds of times to import/convert to ElkArte from SMF 2.0.10 ( 11 now ) , I have to surrender . The conversion process is not 'never went more than a minute with this error ( only change the kb )


I've tried with this version :
and with the one  (slightly newer) on GitHub

The one just downloaded 10 minutes ago from the 1st page worked about 2 minute, when the bar was almost at 70/80% :
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65488 bytes) in D:\inetpub\webs\forumriascit\elkarte\OpenImporter\OpenImporter\Files.php on line 79

(the ftp client can "see"  the SMF root as is in \\public"  and ElkArte root in "\\elkarte\" - the 1st level domain is under Linux hosting, the 3rd level is "" and hosted under windows )

today I've removed 3 times the entire path "elkarte" , removed 3 times the database elkarte_ and reinstalled ..
For some unknown reason the lastest time the conversion/import worked :-D
but...seem that something gone wrong with banned/locked out users. In the original database I have a list of more than 400 users, in the imported Elkarte database the list is empty
Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 01:11:51 pm by allxsan

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #205

The first problem is apparently related to directory creation: at that point in the code it tries to move attachments from the old path to the new one, it looks like it's going too deep in the recursion. <= Means bug. And is a bug due to the windows server.

The second, you mean you have 400 bans in the list that disappeared after the import? Or that you have 400 members and after the import you don't have any?
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #206

Quote from: emanuele – The first problem is apparently related to directory creation: at that point in the code it tries to move attachments from the old path to the new one, it looks like it's going too deep in the recursion. <= Means bug. And is a bug due to the windows server.

The second, you mean you have 400 bans in the list that disappeared after the import? Or that you have 400 members and after the import you don't have any?

Hello, I'm sorry for the delay, right now a new attempt is running. This time I've tried to simply overwrite the previous imported database from an updated (today posts) SMF database. Before this I've used "repair_settings.php" fom SMF and checked\fixed\optimized the smf_ database. Still running and I can see from the SQL webpanel that the elkarte_ new database is under construction

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #207

I'm very sorry to say that for me doesn't work at all.
E.g.  the Categories "container" for the  boards are not imported. So, after the conversion I have all mixed in the main index. As example, I use some main categories  "YELLOW"  contains two boards "GOOD"  "BAD", "GREEN" contains "GOOD "BAD"...but after the conversion I only see the boards: "GOOD" "BAD" "GOOD" "BAD" "GOOD" "BAD" :-D 

About the users, the conversion script seem unable to detect banned users, custom groups (the usual, based on number of posts..)

Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 04:44:35 am by allxsan

Re: OpenImporter

Reply #208

I'm really sorry a week has passed, unfortunately I had a quite busy round of days, and I wasn't able to touch my development environment for days... :(

I'll not be able to do much this weekend and the next.
Fortunately, starting from the 18th I'll be again ale to write bugs! :D
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Re: OpenImporter

Reply #209

Would there be any chance of get an SMF 2.1 convertor?