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ElkArte as blog commnets? Started by pdp-7 · · Read 5868 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte as blog commnets?

Probably discussed before but couldn't find anything so asking ...

Has anyone used ElkArte as blog comments? If so how was it for you?

I'm looking for a forum that I can use both as a forum but also as blog comments.


Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #1

You could set an individual board with read only permissions. It would effectively be a blog by doing so. 

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #2

Sorry about the confusion.

I only need comments for the blog not the blog itself.

It would be nice to have comments part of the forums.

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #3

Hi @pdp-7 and welcome. :)

What I did in the past was create a board that was faking the forum, but instead reading blog posts and comments from a wordpress install and showing them as topics in the forum  (I don't remember if I went as far as to pair the users by email and link the "correct" forum profiles or not, but probably not).
TBH, this my solution has no big advantages, the only one was to give people on the forum a direct access to the content published on the blog.
At the time i also planned to have a "reply" box able to push directly to WP, but I never end up writing it.

I'm not sure if this is what you have in mind.
Another way to look at it that comes to my mind is to close the blog comments, create a topic with a link to the blog post and when posting on the blog and then let comment only on the forum.
And there are probably others.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #4

I think you just need to make a copy of default theme and modify display.template.php to make it look like a blog.

You can also use Simple Portal to make your forum landing page look like a blog.

A long, long time ago in this forum software origin far, far away, there were mods that attempt to do that. However, be warned that you might be seduced into the dark side of the force while attempting to find them. :P

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #5

So if I have a landingpage that looks like blog that is ElkArte forum somethingsomething and then I have my blog that I want to add commenting function and want to do that so those comments are threads in the forum ... how to merge these two?

Just like there are all those wp comments and disqus and what not. But I don't want to use those. I want those comments to be part of the forum content in form of threads.

Blog is made other means I don't need anything to do with it. Just comments section for the blog. Whole website is generated with Hugo and so is blog section also.

Or am I missing something in the translation here?


Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #6

Would you consider just making the leap to straight forum? Everything described so far is a forum. Posted subject, and comments (replies). If you want emphasis on the original post, that could be accomplished with CSS styling. If you don't want others to have the ability to create a thread, simply revoke permissions accordingly. Elkarte software can already do everything you describe without interaction with any other platform. It can even be customized to include or hide info on said threads or posts.

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #7

Quote from: badmonkey – Would you consider just making the leap to straight forum?

What you mean by that? Why do you think it's yet again something that I need to point out that I do not, repeat, I do not need any "help" about anything else but an answer to the simple question which is:

Can ElkArte be as commenting system for the blog, or what ever other static webpage, instead of Disqus, Livefyre, Jetpack, FB or what ever there is out there. Only that one wants to know, nothing else. nothing less, nothing more.

If dear mr. @badmonkey would consider to consider to consider to tone down the pushy sales, mmmkay? I do know you like the forum platform and all that but do you really consider it somehow to be your place to tell someone stranger what they should do with their projects according to your vision without even knowing what rolls. Quite arrogant that is or would you consider it to be not rude?

Yes the website is going to be done with Hugo and all other technical decisions have been made nor need any help with them.

Just the simple answer to the question:

"Can I replace [Insert commentingsystem here] with ElkArte as commenting system for my blog?"

Just that.

Thank you very much!

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #8

"Just that" means some coding.
Summarizing, what you have to do is:
1) any time a new blog post in created, create a new topic,
2) keep track somewhere of which topic belongs to which blog post,
3) from your blog, in the blog post/article page, you have to retrieve "somehow" (either inline or via some ajax call) the posts in the topic that belongs to the article.
That's more or less all.
Point 3 could be changed to a link from the blog post to the corresponding topic (that is one of the options I mentioned in my post).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #9

I think it is very clear that ElkArte is an open source forum software and it is never intended to be a blog commenting system.

It is however possible if you want it to be the later, but you will have to integrate it with the intended blog software on your own costs.

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #10

Quote from: pdp-7 –
Quote from: badmonkey – Would you consider just making the leap to straight forum?
What you mean by that? Why do you think it's yet again something that I need to point out that I do not, repeat, I do not need any "help" about anything else but an answer to the simple question which is:

Can ElkArte be as commenting system for the blog, or what ever other static webpage, instead of Disqus, Livefyre, Jetpack, FB or what ever there is out there. Only that one wants to know, nothing else. nothing less, nothing more.

If dear mr. @badmonkey would consider to consider to consider to tone down the pushy sales, mmmkay? I do know you like the forum platform and all that but do you really consider it somehow to be your place to tell someone stranger what they should do with their projects according to your vision without even knowing what rolls. Quite arrogant that is or would you consider it to be not rude?

Yes the website is going to be done with Hugo and all other technical decisions have been made nor need any help with them.

Just the simple answer to the question:

"Can I replace [Insert commentingsystem here] with ElkArte as commenting system for my blog?"

Just that.

Thank you very much!
 Pushy sales? I derive no benefit whatsoever from any choice you, or anyone else, makes regarding their use of this software or any other. 

The only arrogance here is yours, the only rudeness yours, for chastising someone exploring ideas to help you. Help you are in no way owed. 

Re: ElkArte as blog commnets?

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – "Just that" means some coding.
Summarizing, what you have to do is:
1) any time a new blog post in created, create a new topic,
2) keep track somewhere of which topic belongs to which blog post,
3) from your blog, in the blog post/article page, you have to retrieve "somehow" (either inline or via some ajax call) the posts in the topic that belongs to the article.
That's more or less all.
Point 3 could be changed to a link from the blog post to the corresponding topic (that is one of the options I mentioned in my post).

Thanks for the answer!

I think there is no point to make new topics straight away when new blog post is made. If there is no comments, that would be empty topic on the forum and there is no point for that. Better would be to create topic when first comment is made.

If figure it more as a module that lives at the page where first, let's say 5 most recent comment threads, are shown and from there one could "Read more on the forum"

When on the blog post where there is no corresponding topic in the forum, which would be blog post title in the "Blog comments" board or something, there is only editor shown on the blog page.

Since Hugo produces static html pages I think there is no problems to make snippet that rolls this kind of interaction, only if the code permits. Since there are forum projects that are technically made that way their code isn't usable.

So if this kind of thing could be done then ElkArte is still top of the list for the forum platform.

Quote from: ahrasis – I think it is very clear that ElkArte is an open source forum software and it is never intended to be a blog commenting system.

It is however possible if you want it to be the later, but you will have to integrate it with the intended blog software on your own costs.

Yes and as open source forum software people might want to ask questions about the software before investing time to go through the code. Or spending time and effort to write their own if there is readily available code floating around. It's kinda how open source is meant to work you see. But as it seems there might be a solution after all so all good ...