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iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off Started by AngelinaBelle · · Read 11826 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Hey guys,

This new fork of yours looks pretty good. We really miss you back at the ranch.

I noticed a funny issue that affects users of older iPads using this site running Dialogo 1.0 alpha

iPad 1,1 running iOS 5,1,1

  • if the iPad is in portrait mode, my avatar, in the user welcome area, looks to be a normal width but perhaps only a few pixels high
  • if the iPad is in landscape mode, the avatar in the user area looks to be several hundreds of pixels in height.

I observe the same thing when I view my own profile

Everything looks normal on more recent iOS devices I have checked this on

I am currently viewing this site using an iPad 1, which is up-to-date with iOS 5.1.1
The site is running

Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #1

I've seen something similar when I have an error around (using $db_show_debug = true) with some browser (don't remember which one though...).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #2

I've seen (not in quite awhile) the top small avatar goes a bit crazy as well.   I don't know of a way to truly simulate the ipad to be able to fix the error.   The online tools to do the viewing are often little more than a fancy iframe but not true emulators.  

Said another way, be a good iSheeple and update that old hardware :P

Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #3

This is a known bug with older iStuff. It doesn't correctly handle proportions when switching from portrait to landsacpe. There is a workaround for it, but IIRC that introduces other problems. Would have to go searching again as it's a while since I read it.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #4

I was seeing a similar problem on safari 5.x so I changed the css slightly  O:-) and that fixed the safari thing and worked in ie, chrome, ff, safari ... can't test the iPoop stuff though ... not sure its even on this site yet, may only be in the repo.

Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #5

Safari is weird, at least on Windows. It does some odd things that Chrome doesn't do. I supect that Apple simply doesn't bother testing Safari on Windows, because they know nobody* uses that combination.

*Apart from three or four lunatics in Tierra del Fuego.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P


Re: iPad iOS 5.1.1 avatar aspect ratio way off

Reply #6

There's a bit about it here, and also on Stack Overflow and several other sites.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P