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Reply to messages from Contact page Started by radu81 · · Read 5568 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Reply to messages from Contact page


when a visitor contacts me using the Contact page I receive a personal message with object "A guest send you a personal message" . I like this instead of the mail I was used to receive using SMF+Contact page addon

What I don't understand on Elk is how do I reply from that PM to a guest? there is a reply button but ask for a username. I know I can copy/paste on my email client, that is what I am doing now but that's not a solution.

my question: is this a bug or it was built to work in this way?

Thanks in advance
sorry for my bad english

Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #1

I have a feeling that replying to a guests pm will get complicated.

But, maybe for guests, when they send a contact form, it goes automatically to ur email instead of a PM? Would that be good? Thoughts? :P

Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #2

 emanuele looks at @Spuds being the one that coded it. :P

I think the idea is that the PM is a kind of "courtesy" to notify you of the contact, but then you have to deal with it via email in private.

Reply to a guest with a PM may not be too easy, it would be indeed cool.
The main problems I see right now are:
  • the code checks first if the recipient is a registered member before actually send the PM,
  • skipping somehow 1, there would be the issue of deleted members, a deleted member becomes a guest, so answering a PM would send him an email,
  • point 2 means there should be some kind of reliable way to know (or maybe better, "remember") if a certain PM is the result of a conversation with a deleted member, or a message sent by a guest.
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Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #3

Quote from: emanuele – I think the idea is that the PM is a kind of "courtesy" to notify you of the contact, but then you have to deal with it via email in private.
I agree with you ;) I forgot I disabled email notification for private messages  O:-)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #4

It should be possible to do but there are complications as above.  I think we would have to flag it in the PM system that it was a contact request and then when the reply is made its just done as an email,  But then there is the complication of what email do you want to use, sometimes the admin email is not the one you would normally "expose"... so ... need to think about what could be done in 1.1 for this.

Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #5

don't waste time with this, the fault was mine since I disabled  email notifications for PM's. I like more the idea of a PM rather than an email, which is already working into elkarte. Thank you ;)
Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 06:08:35 pm by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: Reply to messages from Contact page

Reply #6

Actually, now that I think about it, it could be done "easily" if the process of deleting a member was a bit more advanced: 1) soft delete (in that case deleted members are basically members flagged as "deleted", so the difference between guests and deleted becomes "easy"), 2) the deleted members email is replaced by something that is not an email (because it has to stay for reassigning messages and topics) but either is not a real email or it doesn't even resemble an email address.

Food for thought.
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