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Blog add on Started by Aaron101 · · Read 6523 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Blog add on

Is there any blog add ons for ElkArte?

Re: Blog add on

Reply #1

Hi and welcome to Elkarte!
There is no blog add-on for elkarte, but you can use one of the portals available (Simple Portal or TinyPortal) to replicate the look of a blog. You will not get a fully features blog like in WordPress or other CMS, but it's still a solution. Otherwise you'll need to use a CMS.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Blog add on

Reply #2

Thanks, which of the two portals would you recommend?

Re: Blog add on

Reply #3

I'd suggest you to try both and then decide. I use SP because it was the first portal released for Elkarte, TinyPortal I only install it once on a test forum. The first impression was that it has more options and functionalities compared to SP. Maybe @tino can explain you better the differences for the two portals.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Blog add on

Reply #4

TinyPortal is in general more detailed in what it can do, although the Elkarte Version is behind the SMF version whilst I sort out some functionality.

SimplePortal is more polished at this current moment in time for Elkarte.

They both largely do the same thing. So try both and decide which one you like more.