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BeSocial and small text menu on homepage Started by radu81 · · Read 10176 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #1

BeSocial will be saved in the version ElkArte2.0 ? 
Somewhere there was a message that the BeSocial will not be supported.
But BeSocial is best suited for mobile users.

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #2

Quote from: radu81 – The text on menu is really small on home page.
Tested with Firefox latest version
I saw that as well, I think its an SSI css issue.  When I redid the theme with grid/flex/etc I did not update SSI items, something to check for sure.

Quote from: forumovod – BeSocial will be saved in the version ElkArte2.0 ? 
Somewhere there was a message that the BeSocial will not be supported.
But BeSocial is best suited for mobile users.
Thus far I've been updating it as I move things along., it may be somewhat lagging vs the default but its been moving along.  That said, supporting two themes is a drain on resources, which we don't have much, so the thought of dropping it in 2.0 core is certainly something I'd consider.  Of course if someone was willing to aid in keeping it updated that would be greatly welcome.

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #3

Quote from: Spuds – Thus far I've been updating it as I move things along., it may be somewhat lagging vs the default but its been moving along.  That said, supporting two themes is a drain on resources, which we don't have much, so the thought of dropping it in 2.0 core is certainly something I'd consider.

OK, let's have one design theme instead of two, but let this design be convenient for mobile users. I am currently using the BeSocial theme because it is more convenient for this.

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #4

Could you provide some examples of what makes it a better mobile experience for you?  I'm genuinely curious so I can try and address "default" short comings if possible.

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #5

I also prefer and use the BeSocial version, but this means more work for the devs, if the decision is to abbandon BeSocial I'll use the Light version. There aren't many developers involved in this project and I completely understand this decision.
Imho both versions are offering the same mobile experience.
sorry for my bad english

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #6

Quote from: Spuds – Could you provide some examples of what makes it a better mobile experience for you?  I'm genuinely curious so I can try and address "default" short comings if possible.

It's not easy to explain - I'm not a designer.
I took screenshots to show how both themes look on my forum.

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #7

So, Google doesn't like the BeSocial theme. Another error message has arrived.

Problems have been found on your site (2) of the "Convenience for mobile" category:
1. Interactive elements are located too close
2. The font is too small

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #8

There are a lot of things that Google doesn't like, I also get those messages from Search Console, and I may add a third message related to breadcrumbs. I get those messages often, not only on my elkarte forum, but also on a xenforo forum ( default style and just some minor colour changes) and also on a couple of Joomla websites. TBH I didn't give importance and never reported those messages here or somewhere else.

This topic is related to the small text in the menu on homepage, has nothing to do with your problem, once solved on this forum probably all the rest of the discussion will be forgotten. I suggest you to open a new topic and give all the info you received from Search Console, IIRC Google suggests which elements, or what text is too small or too close to other elements of the page.
sorry for my bad english

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #9

Quote from: radu81 – There are a lot of things that Google doesn't like, I also get those messages from Search Console, and I may add a third message related to breadcrumbs. I get those messages often, not only on my elkarte forum, but also on a xenforo forum ( default style and just some minor colour changes) and also on a couple of Joomla websites. TBH I didn't give importance and never reported those messages here or somewhere else.

This topic is related to the small text in the menu on homepage, has nothing to do with your problem, once solved on this forum probably all the rest of the discussion will be forgotten. I suggest you to open a new topic and give all the info you received from Search Console, IIRC Google suggests which elements, or what text is too small or too close to other elements of the page.

This was not a message about a problem. It was a reminder about the requirements of Google when developing version ElkArte2.0

Re: BeSocial and small text menu on homepage

Reply #10

I will into this when I have time for it. But may be on how to make it work default light theme instead. I don't know yet but will see.