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Flarum Started by Jorin · · Read 13198 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Flarum

Reply #15

@meetdilip don't know how it will turn out, the module is not ready yet

Re: Flarum

Reply #16

Nice work!

Re: Flarum

Reply #17

nice work ;)
sorry for my bad english


Re: Flarum

Reply #19

Quote from: inter – Can make the module "Flarum style" for ElkArte  ;D

Like? bored, something is missing

Decent attempt at mimicking Flarums look..but the small details are oh so vital in getting the perfect style.

Those who designed Flarum's look put effort into just the right paddings, decent type of icons and the impotance of text colors and even typefaces. Thats why Discourse looks unfinished(to be nice), while NodeBB(to some degree) and Flarum look "perfect".  :)

Re: Flarum

Reply #20

Hello @Bloc . Where were you ? :P

Re: Flarum

Reply #21

Tired of getting verbal abuse lol. Not here of course! :) SMF place as usual. Someone said "get off your booty and show us"..well, I forked SMF 2.1 and plan to do that.

Elkarte is doing well I see, good progress and useful additions. I am still not too keen on its look..but thats just personal preference. I am beginning to wonder if I should rather focus on theme ideas for Elkarte, rather than SMF 2.1.

Re: Flarum

Reply #23

You should focus here @Bloc especially when you come into this topic. Which means you are thinking creating something like this for us or better. :D

In anyway, it seems like flarum is loading everything via its mithrill.JS but we are mostly loading using jquery.JS (which is far slower they said).

In the meantime, I am searching on how to show avatar on recent posts / topics since we can already move them to top. Any clue or tips on this is highly appreciated.

I think I should hack into Recent.subs.php and add some avatar in there somewhere but I am not so sure about it yet. Then we can somehow call $post['poster']['avatar"] so that we can show avatar in recent posts / topics inside board index.

We can also create a tab button and put it inside the tab instead of on top so that we can display it by tab. A setting is also good so that we can decide which tab to show by default, category or recent posts / topics.

More advance depends on your imagination or you can have this flarum or other media social software as a guide. :P

Re: Flarum

Reply #24

I had this same dilemma two months ago too, before I switched from SMF to Elkarte.

Imagine yourself having a giant bungalow to host your giant group of friends and future friends.

Elkarte / SMF / Traditional Forums ↑↑↑
You welcome them to your home, showing them every room in the bungalow, all meant for different topics of discussions. Everything is way more organised, looks neater, feels cleaner. I guess to a certain extend you can call this conservative? You know, people who opt for traditional homes (which may or may not look modern)...

Discourse / Flarum / NodeBB / Conversation-Focused-Forums ↑↑↑
You welcome them to your home and bam they are greeted immediately with the latest few topics being discussed, upon entering. As they go deeper in your home, they get to see more and more topics. If they'd like, they can opt to proceed straight to a room simply to view certain topics of interest (tags). It's messier (relatively). But it focuses on the most important thing, the conversation at hand. And I guess you can call this progressive? You know, people who opt for innovative homes, like a fully glass-constructed home or a home where there's a giant lawn in the center, and every room is a building by its own, linked by underground tunnels (or any other similar cool concepts like that lol)...

Facebook Groups / Etc ↑↑↑
Similar with Discourse etc, but way more to the other end of the spectrum. It's all focused on conversation, but without tools to help you organise your community, aside from a Search function which works like crap. You know, like a really messy home. :P (Just joking guys, hope no one gets offended... and hope Mark Zuck isn't here haha)

So yeah, I do want an organized home, but at the same time, I do see the benefits of progressive forums (i.e. focusing on the conversations). And Elkarte serves both purposes, because of its "Unread", "Unread All", "Unread Replies" function. SO it does cater to both the normal users and power users.  :D

But it depends on what kind of users you are having or targeting. It depends on your community as well. A school club might want a more organised traditional place, while a developer's conference might want a Facebook-logged-in, let's-get-down-to-matters-right-now kinda place. SO what kind of place do you want?

As for me, I used Elkarte in the end, and I did add on a bonus "Recent Topics" sidebar to my own forum, so it's like Discourse and Elkarte merged into one.  :D

@emanuele T.T and that's probably one of the reasons I had to hardcode the source files - not sure how to do packages / hooks / etc yet.

Lastly, regarding looks, its mostly all about theming only. You can theme a traditional forum to look super modern, and you can theme a progressive forum to look super traditional. Its the function which separates them both, so in case you are looking at Flarum because it looks cooler, then keep in mind that those are just cosmetics. Elkarte can easily look like that if you want it to. :)

And if @Bloc was here, we will have many more cool looking themes to use. hints hahahaha. :P
Facta, non verba.

Re: Flarum

Reply #26

Meanwhile on my computer

QuoteIn the meantime, I am searching on how to show avatar on recent posts / topics since we can already move them to top. Any clue or tips on this is highly appreciated.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 05:20:30 am by inter
Sorry for my English

Re: Flarum

Reply #27

Not gonna lie, that looks very clean.

Is it on Github so I can take a look?
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Flarum

Reply #28

Installer is not ready yet.

Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 01:34:18 am by inter
Sorry for my English

Re: Flarum

Reply #29

Great job so far. Keep it up.