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Custom CSS Started by Allan · · Read 2813 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Custom CSS

I see a lot of people talking about custom CSS additions. Would it possible to do something like WBB, Xenforo and Wordpress and have a place that someone could add css codes to a theme. 

Re: Custom CSS

Reply #1

Well, obviously it's possible. ;)

The thing is that then you're getting away from the SMF/Elk flat file basis and moving into themes-in-database a la vB, etc. This is an entirely different philosophy, and complicates the codebase, and results in more db queries per page load. IOW, it's not so good for performance. Performance is where the flat files philosophy shines, particularly as the size of the active forum membership increases, and is one of the main reasons why SMF has traditionally been regarded as having better performance than vB.

Or, to put it simply, the more whoopee shiz you add (of any sort) the worse it is for performance. So it comes down to what trade-offs you want to settle for, and what you can talk the devs into.
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Re: Custom CSS

Reply #2

I think @Allan may be talking about how you can edit the flat files in Wordpress through the admin interface rather than about anything DB/implementation-related.

Re: Custom CSS

Reply #3

Me too think the same.

Re: Custom CSS

Reply #4

You create a file named custom.css in the css directory of the theme and you the edit it from the admin interface?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Custom CSS

Reply #5

I don't know the specifics of how it works today; I wrote my theme when Wordpress 2 broke 1.x compatibility. But besides being able to edit your relevant theme files from the admin interface, I assume you can also create child themes from there.

The full Wordpress way is probably not be such a good idea by default (ability to edit PHP and all), but the same concept for CSS files doesn't sound too bad. Even if just as a way to get started with automatically generating the right file in the right place.

 Frenzie doesn't really care either way :P

Re: Custom CSS

Reply #6

I don't think of things in a developers way, I think as user that doesn't know how to code or even maybe attach a custom.css to a template. I still have to google how to on that one :P . I was just thinking of ways to improve the user side of ElkArte that would make it easier for novice users to simply add some css into an area without knowing to much.